Saturday, May 9, 2009

Power to the people!!

I've always hate politics. These guys just like to brag anything but true about themselves, promise you the world and after election's over, they're nowhere to be seen. Oh, it's so classic. It's really predictable what they gonna do next in order to gain power. Before election, they wasting money by campaigning and with "sudden" improvement or development such as building new school or repair our so terrible roads. After that, you only gonna see another "development" in the next election. How the hell we gonna be a "well developed nation" by 2020? More like 3020 maybe...

Why I'm bringing this topic? It's because what happen to Perak politics condition. I bet you guys read or heard about it and don't you think these politicians bared their stupidity and selfishness out loud? I can't believe that educated and probably or supposedly well behave people could act like that. Plus keep a prince waiting for 5 hours? That's just rude. In Penang we don't have kings or princes but aren't all of us need to respect our kings or princes? It's not rocket science per se, it's just plain common sense.

Now it's clear that people will do anything including being rude just to have power. How come we can't be together no matter what our political views are? Is this the world we gonna live for the rest of our lives? Now I'm worried. I'm 22 and I can vote but if this the reality of our leaders, I rather stay at home during election day. P. Diddy might have the Vote Or Die campaign in the US for Presidential Election but if the same campaign done here, I'm still not convinced. If I vote, I'll die, and if I didn't vote, I'm still gonna die. Hmm...

The song Imagine by the late John Lennon is for me the best song ever written and eventhough the song was written in the 70's it's well fitted with today political condition. I don't agree with some parts of the song (we still need our religion) but the song forces us to unite. Just forget about our differences, we still human for heaven's sake. Why do we have to use our differences to separate ourselves from others? Nobody's perfect.

You are not better that others. We are all created equal. But power really destroying the mankind. It's one sad truth we have to swallow.

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