Thursday, July 14, 2011

Yes tuan

It's getting harder in my workplace. I should be super-thankful when I had it, but I didn't.

A question for you. When you work, did you really working all the way? I mean, say you work for 9 hours, so you fully utilized (I'm not sure utilized is the correct word) the working hours? Of course you gonna have some "me-time". Browsing newspapers, personal emails or heck, even Facebook (you lucky twerps) during the "me-time" right? However, it's a privilege I'm no longer have.

My new boss gone Guantanamo lockdown on my team. Can you imagine working on the graveyard shift without anything left to do? No sleeping, movie screening or even Facebook. I'm scratching my head on what to do. I suppose to be working, I know but come on, my job is monitoring the company's system etc. so ya think I'm gonna stare at the computer screen for 8 hours straight? Fuck you.

I'm sure he will get the point that we sooo free at night, so he can think about dumping more shittiness to us. Dude, what are you doing? I really don't understand the way bosses think. They don't care bout anybody else but their asses while their employees breaking their backbone for the company.

I really don't get it. It makes me hate him more and more. Is there any nice/good/adequate bosses out there? Adopt me please!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I'm sick

I'm not gonna talk about Bersih 2.0 here. You and I know what happened. I told you that Malaysia is turning into China. Bersih 2.0 gathering became China's 1989 Tiananmen Square protests, except this time only one casualty recorded and the "law enforcers" done nothing, u gotta YouTube it. Moving on....

Y'all know I quit smoking and it's been hard. Quitting something that had become your daily routine will severely affects your life. My body oddly feeling more sick every day. Wait the minute, doesn't quit smoking makes you healthier? 

I guess not. According to my friend the body already used to nicotine and when nicotine gone, that's when it'll gone haywire. Really? Let's see, nicotine is bad, but when you ditch it, you feel sick? No sense to me whatsoever.

Sure, I'll have occasional puff once in a while but honestly my craving for nicotine fix are lessen each day.  Good news after all. 

Except I'm sick, and there's no drug for it, only nicotine.


Saturday, July 2, 2011

#Interlude 11:45AM

# July 9th

I'll be working afternoon shift. My office is just few hundred meters away from Merdeka Square. Can I reach my office when Bersih 2.0 is unleashed?

50,000 people was there in 2007. 2011? Much, much more...

Boss!! Kasi cuti lah!!!

When fair election is demanded, meaning there's no democracy.

Quoting my idol the late John Lennon:

             "POWER TO THE PEOPLE, RIGHT ON!! "