Last February I've got the chance to watch the Grammy live and the reason to wake up a little bit early was to catch what in the world GaGa would wear this time. After countless of ordinary outfit by other celebrity GaGa finally arrives, in an egg (or a vessel according to her). So, the world missed what she put on for the red carpet this year. What a shame. I was wondering was she naked or pretend to be a baby inside that vessel?
Nobody knows for sure but when she debuted her single Born This Way (dubbed as the best album of the decade by herself) it was plain and simple. The song leaked 2 days earlier and when I first listened I thought I downloaded a demo instead of ready-to-air single. What the hell happened to her?
Honestly the world expected something more from her. I do. When she debuted in the music scene I was thinking this is the true successor of Madonna. Well Britney is out of the picture now with her life gone haywire (a few comeback after that resolved this problem) and Christina Aguilera tanked her last album. Well I spoke too soon...
Music critics commented first single Born This Way just a rip-off of Madonna's Express Yourself and Vogue. I couldn't agree more. While she defended the song as original, her second single Judas tanked on charts as well. The single never reach Top 5 (it's ridiculous for this Mother Monster) and new promotional single already out titled Edge of Glory. U.K seems to agree as none of the singles reach #1 there, ironically her debut single Just Dance peaked at #1 weeks before reaching the penthouse in the U.S.
The album is not even out but more songs already released and so far a little praise for all of them. Edge of Glory sounded like 80's band Tears for Fears would sing and Judas just part 2 of Bad Romance. I am disappointed and wondering where the hell the old GaGa gone to?
The Fame was brilliant and the follow up EP Fame Monster was even better. Telephone was one of the best collaboration with Kill Bill-esque video to boot as well. After spending some time on the road for her Monster Ball tour, which become the highest-grossing tour for new artist maybe Mother Monster let herself go with craziness like her persona, overly designed and poorly executed.
The cover is another thing. It looks cheap and plain awkward. GaGa born as a motorcycle? Does experimenting with Photoshop resulted such a hideous cover? They run out of budget to hire good photographer for an album cover? Nobody knows. I'm not the only one hurt my vision with this image, apparently many are.
The album will drop next week (May 23rd) and no doubt it will debut on top of the chart, but will it stay? With no reliable singles the album just gonna slip down the chart just like the singles. As a consumer I'm not convinced just being a fan required me to get the album. I am a fan of her last studio works. As for current masterpiece, it's just crap.
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