a) Send MMS
b) Make video call
c) Share files via Bluetooth
d) Bluetooth streaming
e) Cut and paste function
f) Record video
People paid for RM$$$$ (price varies) for a phone that can't do all those basic things? What a loser...but wait. It sold faster than goreng pisang when it when on sale a few years back and it still do. One small thing that stuck in my head, do we really use all those miss-functions when we use the iPhone? I don't think so...
Let's take one function, say, video call. When 3G launched people go crazy over it, like heaven finally opened its doors to tech goers. But if we look back, almost all of us never made video calls, true? I have a Sony Ericsson K530i and only made one video call and I only received a video call from my bro a few days ago. FYI, video calls never took off because when we video call, it's hard to lie. Don't start now folks, I know most of you lied on phone calls. I did, a few times. Hands clean...
Here's a situation:
A husband wants to watch football match with his mates but he already promised his wife he will be home early for dinner. If he use video call, how da hell he gonna lie to his wife? With old-school phone call, he can lie and live a happy life.
The end.
Apple is one smart bastard. The company managed to see what people really use and put it inside the iPhone. But most of us still overlooked this as we say "more is better". Sure lots of phone today have WiFi, 3G, multi-megapixel camera, giga-almost-tera bytes of space but do we really use that? When the hell you gonna surf the web via your tiny phone screen? A netbook is of course a more secure bet. 8 megapixel camera? The pictures still blurry and compact digicams gonna win hands-down. Spaces? What's my portable hard-disk for? Or my 16GB SD cards?
Astronomical price is still the only bummer. So, iPhone or Nokia E63?
The wallet will call a winnner....
betul2..kalu aku ada phone 3G pon..aku sure kalu aku guna sekali pon..org akan abort call aku..yer la..kang kantoiii kan...sbb tu kot smpai skrg aku x dpt2 henset 3G..wtf..
ReplyDeleteterpulang pd minat dan ke'sangap'an la bai..
ReplyDeleteade yg sanggup jgk nk bli mende alah ni..
hahaha..biol btol la, nama je tipon tp xleh call kan..
yenna deyy..!!!
Blackberry punya fuction better kan? weh..juan..my dad nnt dpt blackberry bai..sengal jeles dowhh...