Rihanna told me to take a gun, put it on my head and pull the trigger. Life is like Russian Roulette. But then it's such a relief at first when I realized I'm no longer a slave to my 9-to-5 job. But after awhile, it's getting more depressing when December is ending. 2009, what have I achieved?
Of course, Oasis said Don't Look Back In Anger. I never get angry with my past decisions. It's just the wishing that I have right now. Yes, I wish I can turn back time and commit the opposite but I can't. The future is what I can change but I think I'm on the right path to achieve the life I wanted. I'm afraid I tell you. In three weeks I'm gonna try to migrate to KL and find a job there, if everything goes ahead as planned. I cannot tell you what am I gonna do if I failed again. For me life is only once, and we should make it as perfect as possible. So far 2009 didn't do me much good. So my only resolution in 2010 is to start my career. That's all. I'm not gonna listed what I'm gonna achieved in 2010. No pressure should be put on my shoulder when there should be only one thing that I should accomplished...
John Lennon said (Just Like) Starting Over. It is for me. A fresh start and I certainly don't wanna look back and grief. We should be strong and never quits easily. When you quit, you letting go a chance in your life. Sometime that chance might never come back. I experienced it several times. Chances I wish I didn't let go but now it's never gonna come back. So now, any chances that come my way I will embrace it with grace and of course thorough thinking is needed when I'm ready to let go...
The Beatles recorded With A Little Help From My Friends. Friends is definitely one key components in my life. Where would I be without them? Have you ever think how you would be alive without them by your side? I can't. Looking back, my friends are the best. They with me when I need them. How could I pay back all of you?...
Cheryl Cole said those 3 Words save her life. When can I say the same? In fact I'm quite embarrassed when one of my childhood friends asking me who is my current girlfriend. It was easy to find the answer for that question but it was a lie. It's not I cannot find someone. It's not I don't have time. It's only myself. I'm still not ready with this kind of commitment. Perhaps after my career is alive and kicking, those 3 words will save my life too...
Britney told me that Someday (I Will Understand). Circumstances in my life consumes much time to either erase them or getting over with. For some of you moving on is easy as ABC, like what The Jackson 5 sang. It was like ABC for me, but with continuation until XYZ. So much time and energy needed to move on. Until that day arrives, perhaps I will understand...
Bob Dylan sang that The Times They Are A-Changing. Things no longer like I've imagined it would be. They are changing. What we should do when they become something you no longer want it to be? It's adapt or die...
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Ini biasa...
Aku kembali menganggur. Ape jadi? Aku dah gaduh ngan bos aku la. Sebenarnya dari hari pertama aku keja dah aku tak tahan ngan perangai dia ni. Hipokrit la aku kalu aku angguk je tiap kali mamat tu menyalahkan aku atas menda-menda yang kecik. Aku memang selalu cakap depan-depan dan teramat la jarang aku senbunyikan apa yang aku rasa. Tapi untuk masa depan aku terpaksa diam dan angguk je kalu kena marah walaupun aku tak tau. Hari Khamis lepas aku dah tak tahan. Terus-terang je aku cakap ngan dier, pastu angkat beg dan blah. Tapi kira aku keje la aritu sebab aku blah pun dah pukul 5 lebih.
Setiap orang ada had. Untuk semua benda. Jadi tahap sabar aku dah sampai. Bole kira lama jugakla aku tahan. Dekat 2 bulan. Haha, mungkin korang rasa pendek je masa tu tapi hanya Allah je tau seksa keja ni. Lagi satu sebab aku tahan kerana aku nak buktikan yang orang Melayu bole keje kat tahap tinggi. Kat ofis tu berapa ekor la sangat Melayu, apatah lagi carta organisasi. Melayu bole kata ramai keja kuli je. Jadi aku rasa aku adalah salah sorang wakil orang Melayu kat ofis tu.
Tapi apakan daya, aku memang tak bahagia keja kat situ. Semuanya sebab ex-boss aku la. Kerana dia sorang aku kene berenti. Berbaloi ke? Mestila, sebab dengan dia la aku nak mengadap tiap-tiap hari. Aku memang cemburu tengok orang lain seronok keja. Aku ni tak abis-abis kene bambu. Naik tensen la kalu hari-hari kena.
Aku tau susah cari keje sekarang ni tapi nak wat cemane, dari kene marah selalu baik aku cari keje lain. Aku tak kisah ape orang nak cakap, sebab diorang tak rasa. Nak cakap aku bodo berenti ke, tak bersyukur ke lantak hangpa la. Ingat aku kisah?? Hahaha...buat masa sekarang ni kene lagi praktis interview depan cermin. Korang yang tak lagi bekerja, enjoy la hidup korang.
Buat sementara ni, aku pun enjoy la.
Setiap orang ada had. Untuk semua benda. Jadi tahap sabar aku dah sampai. Bole kira lama jugakla aku tahan. Dekat 2 bulan. Haha, mungkin korang rasa pendek je masa tu tapi hanya Allah je tau seksa keja ni. Lagi satu sebab aku tahan kerana aku nak buktikan yang orang Melayu bole keje kat tahap tinggi. Kat ofis tu berapa ekor la sangat Melayu, apatah lagi carta organisasi. Melayu bole kata ramai keja kuli je. Jadi aku rasa aku adalah salah sorang wakil orang Melayu kat ofis tu.
Tapi apakan daya, aku memang tak bahagia keja kat situ. Semuanya sebab ex-boss aku la. Kerana dia sorang aku kene berenti. Berbaloi ke? Mestila, sebab dengan dia la aku nak mengadap tiap-tiap hari. Aku memang cemburu tengok orang lain seronok keja. Aku ni tak abis-abis kene bambu. Naik tensen la kalu hari-hari kena.
Aku tau susah cari keje sekarang ni tapi nak wat cemane, dari kene marah selalu baik aku cari keje lain. Aku tak kisah ape orang nak cakap, sebab diorang tak rasa. Nak cakap aku bodo berenti ke, tak bersyukur ke lantak hangpa la. Ingat aku kisah?? Hahaha...buat masa sekarang ni kene lagi praktis interview depan cermin. Korang yang tak lagi bekerja, enjoy la hidup korang.
Buat sementara ni, aku pun enjoy la.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Is it the story, or sex?
New Moon gonna come out in a few days and I dunno if I actually excited over it. Call me hypocrite, but the reason why I'm mentioning it in the past posts is because it's a pop culture phenomenon, and I want all of you to experience it. So maybe 15 or 20 years from now yours and my kids will asking question about how big Twilight and we can answer to them, specifically. It's like when I was asking my dad how big was the movie Grease in the 70's. I was reading the third book, Eclipse and half way through it was the same story all over again. It's Bella as the center of attention, again. I ended up didn't buy the book (I got it first as e-book). So why Twilight franchise is so successful?
It was sex all along. Or lust that is. The market for the books is teenage girls. So perfect leading man is needed. In the book Edward portrayed as the perfect guy ever. In the movie Robert Pattison filled that role. Not kinda Edward in my mind, but he's close enough to make horny girls screaming like they were competing in MTV Scream Queen reality show. So the same formula with New Moon film? You betcha.
This time Edward is no longer hot (or ironically ice cold) so Jacob is the new Edward. This time not only the leading man got the looks, but killer bods as well. Perfect combo. And again teenage girls have someone to fill their hearts until the next movie come out. I saw the trailer and I bet it will be like the original movie. Modified, shortened and lame acting. But that didn't stop anything related to Twilight hit #1 in every charts (the soundtrack managed to hit #1 in US).
So people what are you paying for? A quality movie or just to fill your lust? Either way is fine with me, at least know what you are paying for. So don't complain when your boyfriend angry with you drooling all over the Quiletes pack.
Six packs to be exact.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Yea, can't wait...
For those who taking public transport, this post means nothing to you. As for car users, this post probably means something to you. But for motorists, this post gonna make you nodding to (almost) every sentences I'm about to write (or type).
I spent little time of my life driving. I got driving license, but the car is what I lacked. Mostly what I see is that driving is for the spoiled or rich fellas. They need to have roof over their head eventhough it's outside and pure air-con is the only way to make them feel alive. Haih, for me I will only drive if my dad rembat my motobike when I'm asleep or raining.
No, this post is not about why I hate driving. It's the road that makes me wanna express my feelings. I live in KL for 3 months and only God knows how pissed I am for the awful road condition there. I lived in Sentul area and it was like lots of asteroid landed of the roads. Going through that road everyday made me thinking about Armageddon, Deep Impact etc. It's mostly jammed everywhere and everytime plus with the patchy road conditions it's like icing on the cake. On the opposite side that is. Dooms day probably come early. When I returned home to Penang, it's still happening. It's everywhere.
Car users probably don't feel the deep and nasty holes too much, since four-wheeled absorb impact better than two-wheeled vehicle. Argh, I can declare that this country have the most terrible road condition ever. When the road will appear like they just been dropped from heaven? Election day.
Yes, that time politicians will appear out of nowhere and talking like they are gods. I'm good, the best, people first and all those bullshit keeps on coming. Well during this time they don't just talk, but walk the walk. Roads are all modified and we can finally see development. But after that, people have to wait 5 years until the next repair. How hypocrite.
My frens, you guys mostly have the most experience when applying for student loans. You need authentication for all your certificates etc and you have been turned down. How suck was that? My dad had been there. He came home in anger and furiously cursing that particular guy. Haha, and I heard most stories from you guys too. The conclusion, this is Malaysia. Hypocrites and money make this country go round.
I can't wait for election day. No that I'm gonna vote, it's just when I laugh to the politicians when they talking like crazy, the development finally moving and I can ignored the news on TV. Who rule the nation? What's the difference? They are all the same. Blabbering idiots with cash signs written on their forehead.
Friday, November 13, 2009
It's cold....
I feel the rain,
It's cold,
As ice,
Is my life cold as rain?
I feel the anger,
It's hot,
As fire,
Is my passion hot as fire?
I feel the frustration,
It's dark,
As Twilight: New Moon novel,
Is my path dark as New Moon novel?
Erm...wait til the movie is out! Haha!!
I feel the rain,
It's cold,
As ice,
Is my life cold as rain?
I feel the anger,
It's hot,
As fire,
Is my passion hot as fire?
I feel the frustration,
It's dark,
As Twilight: New Moon novel,
Is my path dark as New Moon novel?
Erm...wait til the movie is out! Haha!!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Aku tak bermaksud macam tu...
Aduh! Kekadang kenapa bila kita tak bermaksud nak sakitkan hati orang lain tapi tetap terjadi jugak? Boleh ke kita berfikir lepas tu bercakap? Bagi aku susah sangat nak wat camtu. Aku selalu cakap lepas dan pastu mesti ada yang terasa. Kalu korang kenal aku dah lama mesti korang tau memang aku camtu. Aku tak bermaksud nak sakiti sesapa. Perkataan aku takda makna terselindung. Tapi tetap terjadi. Macam tadi...
Tadi kat front office adela dorang abang ngan akak ni tengah guna PC. Akak ni tak reti sangat pasal I.T ni jadi aku pun ajar la skit-skit. So along the way aku pun pesan la:
Akak ni mengaku tak tau tapi abang tu mengaku tau. Jadi aku suruh la dia tunjuk kat aku. Bila aku suruh camtu muka dia trus ubah sambil tunjuk cemana nak scan pendrive. Daripada riak muka dia aku dah tau dia macam bengang sebab aku suruh tunjuk kat aku cemana nak scan pendrive. Kiranya macam aku ni tak percaya la dia tau scan. Sensitif. Korang tau kan ape aku try nak cakap kat sini.
Manusia ni senang nak baca. Daripada riak muka dah tau apa orang tu rasa. Jadi masa balik tadi aku dah rasa bersalah. Aku cuma nak uji sama ada abang tu betul tau ke tak sebab menda ni serius. Kalu pendrive main cucuk pastu kena virus aku jugak kena clean. Bertambah la keja. Bukannya aku pandang rendah kat abang tu. Tu je maksud aku. Tapi abang tu dah amik serius. Hadui, susah la nak jaga hati orang ni. Kalu tak bercakap, dicop sombong. Kalu cakap banyak terkeluar skit ayat sat lagi ada yang terasa.
Cemana ni? Aku nak wat kawan, bukan nak wat lawan. Aku tak mau la pening-pening kepala bila dah keja ni. Ni masalah bole elak. Tapi cemana? Aku rasa aku dah buat ramai orang terasa. Cuma diorang tak cakap ja. Tapi aku tau.
Cuma masa ja bole menentukan. Tapi aku cuba la untuk kurangkan bercakap. Macam omputih cakap:
Yea, camtula...
Tadi kat front office adela dorang abang ngan akak ni tengah guna PC. Akak ni tak reti sangat pasal I.T ni jadi aku pun ajar la skit-skit. So along the way aku pun pesan la:
Korang bila guna pendrive tolong scan dulu ye...
Akak ni mengaku tak tau tapi abang tu mengaku tau. Jadi aku suruh la dia tunjuk kat aku. Bila aku suruh camtu muka dia trus ubah sambil tunjuk cemana nak scan pendrive. Daripada riak muka dia aku dah tau dia macam bengang sebab aku suruh tunjuk kat aku cemana nak scan pendrive. Kiranya macam aku ni tak percaya la dia tau scan. Sensitif. Korang tau kan ape aku try nak cakap kat sini.
Manusia ni senang nak baca. Daripada riak muka dah tau apa orang tu rasa. Jadi masa balik tadi aku dah rasa bersalah. Aku cuma nak uji sama ada abang tu betul tau ke tak sebab menda ni serius. Kalu pendrive main cucuk pastu kena virus aku jugak kena clean. Bertambah la keja. Bukannya aku pandang rendah kat abang tu. Tu je maksud aku. Tapi abang tu dah amik serius. Hadui, susah la nak jaga hati orang ni. Kalu tak bercakap, dicop sombong. Kalu cakap banyak terkeluar skit ayat sat lagi ada yang terasa.
Cemana ni? Aku nak wat kawan, bukan nak wat lawan. Aku tak mau la pening-pening kepala bila dah keja ni. Ni masalah bole elak. Tapi cemana? Aku rasa aku dah buat ramai orang terasa. Cuma diorang tak cakap ja. Tapi aku tau.
Cuma masa ja bole menentukan. Tapi aku cuba la untuk kurangkan bercakap. Macam omputih cakap:
If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all
Yea, camtula...
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Mana la aku tau...ko tau ke?
Sekarang ni baru aku tau yang keja I.T department ni takla sebagus yang aku sangka. Boleh kata sume orang kat tempat keja aku ni expect yang kami daripada I.T department ni tau segalanya tentang PC ataupun mesin fotostat. Macam tempat kerja baru aku ni, memang la aku baru mula keja jadi macam-macam menda yang aku kena blaja. Tapi manusia ni memang pentingkan diri sendiri, selalu tunjuk jari ja kat orang lain. Aku ni budak I.T jadi kalu apa-apa je berkaitan PC atau teknologi mesti diorang jangka yang aku ni bole selesaikan masalah diorang. Tak adil...
Semalam bila projektor tak boleh nak detect signal daripada laptop, aku pulak yang kene bambu. Apek bodoh yang datang bagi training kat F&B department cakap camni yang bikin aku panas...
Hotak kau!! Korang bayangkan masa aku tengah godek projektor sial tu apek tu asyik ulang ayat yang sama. Nape ko tak diam je and let me do my work??! Korang tengok la, kalu ikutkan ye betul aku I.T guy but bukanlah aku tau sume. Aku perlukan masa untuk sort something out. Sabar le kejap. Ni dah la tak sabar, dok bising-bising pulak. Budak I.T tak semestinya tau sume pasal tech ni. Cube korang tanye budak I.T kalu jumpe sekor dua (atau tanya diri sendiri, you know who you are) try test tanya apa beza VGA ngan XGA resolution. Ala, aku tau dah...ramai tak tau...
Sebab tu aku pelik bila keja kat tempat camni. Sume orang macam bodo giler sampai tak reti nak godek sendiri atau bagi masa untuk aku selesaikan sesuatu masalah. Ni tak abis-abis bising pastu tak sabar. Ni lagi satu test untuk tengok korang faham tak situasi aku.
Kita sume rakyat Malaysia kan? Then jawab soklan-soklan ni tanpa menggunakan bantuan (including Google):
a) Bape panjang jambatan Pulau Pinang?
b) Ape permintaan Puteri Gunung Ledang bila Sultan Mahmud gatai nak kawen ngan dia?
c) KOMTAR kat Penang adalah bangunan ke brapa tertinggi di donia nih??
Kalu korang tak dapat jawab satu pun korang tak boleh digelar rakyat Malaysia. Yela kan, takkan kita rakyat tak tau pasal negara sendiri kan? Haa, masa ni la baru korang tau yang walaupun kita ni Malaysian tak semestinya kita tau segalanya pasal Malaysia ni. Jadi sama la ngan situasi aku, cuma manusia ni tak sedar menda ni. Bodoh btol...
Buat masa ni aku just tahan jela dengan kebodohan manusia nih. Biarkan mereka dengan kebodohan mereka. Tunggu masa ja aku nak educate diorang ni...
Semalam bila projektor tak boleh nak detect signal daripada laptop, aku pulak yang kene bambu. Apek bodoh yang datang bagi training kat F&B department cakap camni yang bikin aku panas...
Your I.T department guy should know this la...
Hotak kau!! Korang bayangkan masa aku tengah godek projektor sial tu apek tu asyik ulang ayat yang sama. Nape ko tak diam je and let me do my work??! Korang tengok la, kalu ikutkan ye betul aku I.T guy but bukanlah aku tau sume. Aku perlukan masa untuk sort something out. Sabar le kejap. Ni dah la tak sabar, dok bising-bising pulak. Budak I.T tak semestinya tau sume pasal tech ni. Cube korang tanye budak I.T kalu jumpe sekor dua (atau tanya diri sendiri, you know who you are) try test tanya apa beza VGA ngan XGA resolution. Ala, aku tau dah...ramai tak tau...
Sebab tu aku pelik bila keja kat tempat camni. Sume orang macam bodo giler sampai tak reti nak godek sendiri atau bagi masa untuk aku selesaikan sesuatu masalah. Ni tak abis-abis bising pastu tak sabar. Ni lagi satu test untuk tengok korang faham tak situasi aku.
Kita sume rakyat Malaysia kan? Then jawab soklan-soklan ni tanpa menggunakan bantuan (including Google):
a) Bape panjang jambatan Pulau Pinang?
b) Ape permintaan Puteri Gunung Ledang bila Sultan Mahmud gatai nak kawen ngan dia?
c) KOMTAR kat Penang adalah bangunan ke brapa tertinggi di donia nih??
Kalu korang tak dapat jawab satu pun korang tak boleh digelar rakyat Malaysia. Yela kan, takkan kita rakyat tak tau pasal negara sendiri kan? Haa, masa ni la baru korang tau yang walaupun kita ni Malaysian tak semestinya kita tau segalanya pasal Malaysia ni. Jadi sama la ngan situasi aku, cuma manusia ni tak sedar menda ni. Bodoh btol...
Buat masa ni aku just tahan jela dengan kebodohan manusia nih. Biarkan mereka dengan kebodohan mereka. Tunggu masa ja aku nak educate diorang ni...
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Aiya, you Malay aa?
Cube kau tengok gamba aku kat sebelah kanan blog ni. Tengok bebetol. Sape yang rabun jauh mahupun dekat, ko pegi amik spek ko pastu pakai. Tengok gamba aku.
Aku ni Melayu ke Cina?
Ramai giler mengaku aku ni Cina. Adoi, terus-terang aku cakap situasi ni aku dah hadapi sepanjang hidup aku. Kekadang tu memang rasa best sebab orang selalu salah anggap. Tengok je muka aku, terus cakap Cina. Pastu aku kene la cakap:
Huahuahua...terpinga-pinga auntie yang cakap Hokkien ngan aku. Pastu bole pulak dier jeling pastu komen yang aku selalu sangat denga
Hoho...dan selalu jugak ade orang konfius. Soklan ini selalu ditanya dimana jua aku berada, seperti di stesen minyak dan di kedai makan. Dan sekarang ni aku selalu disalahanggap sebagai Cina oleh rakan-rakan sekerja aku. Bole kata 90% positif aku Cina. Datang dekat aku wajib cakap Cina dulu sebelum diorang segan bila tau aku Melayu. Tempat keja aku bole kata 80% Cina, jadi memang muka camni menolong aku bercampur ngan diorang ni. Tapi sayangnya aku tak bole cakap Cina.
OK, sekarang ni memang aku bersyukur ada muka camni. Walaupun aku ni dah agak letih explain aku Melayu, aku tetap bersyukur. Ade sorang kawan aku tanye ko ni positif ke Melayu, mungkin parents aku tertukar kat hospital ke. Hahaha, memang aku gelak besar time tu. Tapi kalu difikirkan, itu mungkin betul. Parents aku memang muka Melayu. Jadi nape aku camni? Terus-terang aku tak mau pikir kemungkinan tu. Susah oo kalu betol. Tidakkk!!!
Sorry, I'm Malay...
Huahuahua...terpinga-pinga auntie yang cakap Hokkien ngan aku. Pastu bole pulak dier jeling pastu komen yang aku selalu sangat denga
Waa, you look like Chinese ah. You sure ah?
Hoho...dan selalu jugak ade orang konfius. Soklan ini selalu ditanya dimana jua aku berada, seperti di stesen minyak dan di kedai makan. Dan sekarang ni aku selalu disalahanggap sebagai Cina oleh rakan-rakan sekerja aku. Bole kata 90% positif aku Cina. Datang dekat aku wajib cakap Cina dulu sebelum diorang segan bila tau aku Melayu. Tempat keja aku bole kata 80% Cina, jadi memang muka camni menolong aku bercampur ngan diorang ni. Tapi sayangnya aku tak bole cakap Cina.
OK, sekarang ni memang aku bersyukur ada muka camni. Walaupun aku ni dah agak letih explain aku Melayu, aku tetap bersyukur. Ade sorang kawan aku tanye ko ni positif ke Melayu, mungkin parents aku tertukar kat hospital ke. Hahaha, memang aku gelak besar time tu. Tapi kalu difikirkan, itu mungkin betul. Parents aku memang muka Melayu. Jadi nape aku camni? Terus-terang aku tak mau pikir kemungkinan tu. Susah oo kalu betol. Tidakkk!!!
Friday, October 23, 2009
I dun need a crystal ball...I already knew
If an international (or American, it's easier that way) wants to do a show here, it's like try to have peace conference between Gaza and Tel Aviv. Almost impossible. Even Avril Lavigne was in hot water when she had a show here. Sexy? Avril? That's what those idiots say about Avril. Avril is far from sexy lah. Why the hell our people being so parochial and narrow minded?
All this headlines already made Malaysia is one of the most skipped-over country in the world. I just saw Green Day's 21st Century Breakdown World Tour dates and yes, no Malaysia. They will perform in Thailand and Singapore but not here. Why? Ask Linkin Park. Their 2004 concert here was a success but had a lot of curfew. Chester was not allowed to spit during performance and all members weren't allowed to wear shorts. Insane yet bizarre.
Are we moving forward? No. We are right where we started. Square one. We may have the tallest twin tower in the world and among the nicest beaches ever seen but our mind still stuck in the 50's. It's ironic when Internet and TV shows a lot of bare skin and crazy behaviour but still acceptable. What's the difference between those and live concert? I can't see any.
If they really wanted to be conservative then they can migrate to China, where the government control almost everything. Only 20 international movies are allowed there a year. That's how conservative they are. I don't have anything to say for those idiots. Barbarians don't think, they just know how to throw tantrums and yes, act stupidly.
All the single ladies, put your "MIDDLE FINGER UP!!!" Oh Oh Oh...
Monday, October 12, 2009
Oh lelaki kenapa?
I've been out of dating game for over a year and a half now. Does it bother me? Sometimes. My other half is yet to be found and perhaps for some people it's such a must to be the perfect other-half. Yes, relationship is vital in life but it's also the most painful experience you'll ever tasted.
One thing that really makes me crazy is why men are so easy of infidelity?
I, Mohd Izuan the forever owner of this blog is a male. I've been in love several times and it's always struck me when most of my guyfrens who are attached still find it amusing checking other girls. I swear I never did that and never will. I never asked them why in such way they're behaving. It's just plain weird. Perhaps their other half are not good enough so that checking other girls completely a must? Explain this bullshit to me. When my female friends complain to me about their boyfriends infidelity, I can't really explain why. Why men behaving this way? Is it so hard to stay loyal? I bet dogs can be ten times loyal rather than them.
I've read a lot of psychology books and didn't really found the answer. Even watching Oprah doesn't help. But I did found some clues that you girls can take:
a) Guys are visual. So a pretty scenery is damn important to us.
b) We don't like rhymes or riddles. Want something, tell it STRAIGHT to our face.
c) Don't be our mama. So stop scolding or controlling like a mother.
d) Appreciation. A simple "thank you" is enough if we did anything nice for you girls.
e) More communication. Less talking means more likely the relationship gonna fall apart.
f) Let down your guard. If you're a "ego-ish" type (means no touchy-feely) you should change it immediately. Guys can do that, but not girls. Touchy-feely is a must.
So there you have it. Should these tips help you in your relationship? I hope so. I'm not attched now so can't really experimenting. So you out there if you're attached try it on. If it works, glad I could help. If not, get it over with and move on.
Lots of fish in the sea you know...hint hint...hahaha...chow
Oh sebelum lupe...oh Tuah3, blog tuan hamba telah di-block jadi hamba tidak boleh membacanya lagi...harap dibenarkan...babai...
One thing that really makes me crazy is why men are so easy of infidelity?
I, Mohd Izuan the forever owner of this blog is a male. I've been in love several times and it's always struck me when most of my guyfrens who are attached still find it amusing checking other girls. I swear I never did that and never will. I never asked them why in such way they're behaving. It's just plain weird. Perhaps their other half are not good enough so that checking other girls completely a must? Explain this bullshit to me. When my female friends complain to me about their boyfriends infidelity, I can't really explain why. Why men behaving this way? Is it so hard to stay loyal? I bet dogs can be ten times loyal rather than them.
I've read a lot of psychology books and didn't really found the answer. Even watching Oprah doesn't help. But I did found some clues that you girls can take:
a) Guys are visual. So a pretty scenery is damn important to us.
b) We don't like rhymes or riddles. Want something, tell it STRAIGHT to our face.
c) Don't be our mama. So stop scolding or controlling like a mother.
d) Appreciation. A simple "thank you" is enough if we did anything nice for you girls.
e) More communication. Less talking means more likely the relationship gonna fall apart.
f) Let down your guard. If you're a "ego-ish" type (means no touchy-feely) you should change it immediately. Guys can do that, but not girls. Touchy-feely is a must.
So there you have it. Should these tips help you in your relationship? I hope so. I'm not attched now so can't really experimenting. So you out there if you're attached try it on. If it works, glad I could help. If not, get it over with and move on.
Lots of fish in the sea you know...hint hint...hahaha...chow
Oh sebelum lupe...oh Tuah3, blog tuan hamba telah di-block jadi hamba tidak boleh membacanya lagi...harap dibenarkan...babai...
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Boleh ni...boleh...blah...

Selain dari bagi amma aku senyum hari-hari bagaikan beliau mempunyai anak dara yang rajin tahap Gaban, aku ada lagi masa buat menda lain. Bagi korang yang bagi alasan bizzy selalu jangan nak menipu ye. Baru je mintak maap raya itu hari. Aku cuba mengabihkan buku-buku yang telah aku beli macam esok nak kiamat. Aku selalu beli buku, tapi selalu jugak tak abis baca. Bizzy la konon. Aparaa...hang mana BZ Izuan ooi...alasan ja dok bagi...
Jadi sekarang ni aku akan menghabiskan buku yang bersepah dalam bilik aku ni. Rujuk gamba untuk membuktikan betapa tamaknya aku ni. Ni senarai buku yang aku baca sekarang ni:
a) Twilight Saga: New Moon (baca lagi sekali, muvi nak klua bulan depan)
b) Pele: The Autobiography
c) Pop Babylon
d) La Tahzan: Jangan Bersedih
e) A New Earth (baca one more time)
f) Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking
g) Teach Yourself: Spanish
h) The Life With My Sister Madonna
i) Why We Want You To Be Rich
j) Celine Dion: For Keeps
Pergh banyak giler. Mampu ke aku abiskan ni...boleh ni...boleh...blah...
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Time goes by...so fast??!
Hai kengkawan...
Dah bulan sepuluh (10 sahaja) ye. Erm ape agaknye yang korang sume dah perolehi tahun ni? Aku takde banyak sangat dapat, cuma ilang banyak tu ada la...hilang sabar, hilang peluang, skit je lagi nak hilang pedoman dan lain-lain. Korang jangan la ingat aku ni nak hilang akal pulak, walaupun ada la skit-skit ke arah tu...haha...
Sekarang ni sebenarnya aku pun takde apa nak tulih pasal diri aku ni. Masih sama. Aku sekarang ni abihkan masa ngan denga album bebaru dan wat review. Aku ni memang dari dulu gila musik (seperti yang sesetengah korang tau sangat) dan aku rasa mungkin aku bole gune kemahiran aku ni jadikan kerjaya. Nak cakap aku ni terer sangat takdela, cuma mungkin satu hari nanti ade peluang jadi writer kat magazine memane ke, mana nak tau.
Sementara tu jugak aku try la apply keja kan. Interview tu adelah jugak aku pegi, tapi setakat ni takde lagi rezeki aku. Qasieh, tenkiu la sebab nak tolong aku. Tapi masalah jauh la keja tu. Sori bebeh. Aku just nak updatekan korang pasal diri aku je, since berhari dah aku diam tak update blog ni. So frens, tenkiu sebab jenguk blog ni. Aku mesti update kalu aku ade menda nak cakap. Haha, setakat ni takdela banyak sangat nak aku cakapkan. Ni je kot. Jangan risau pasal aku, aku OK dan sihat.
Masa Raya je aku sakit. Timing memang tak bole blah...
Dah bulan sepuluh (10 sahaja) ye. Erm ape agaknye yang korang sume dah perolehi tahun ni? Aku takde banyak sangat dapat, cuma ilang banyak tu ada la...hilang sabar, hilang peluang, skit je lagi nak hilang pedoman dan lain-lain. Korang jangan la ingat aku ni nak hilang akal pulak, walaupun ada la skit-skit ke arah tu...haha...
Sekarang ni sebenarnya aku pun takde apa nak tulih pasal diri aku ni. Masih sama. Aku sekarang ni abihkan masa ngan denga album bebaru dan wat review. Aku ni memang dari dulu gila musik (seperti yang sesetengah korang tau sangat) dan aku rasa mungkin aku bole gune kemahiran aku ni jadikan kerjaya. Nak cakap aku ni terer sangat takdela, cuma mungkin satu hari nanti ade peluang jadi writer kat magazine memane ke, mana nak tau.
Sementara tu jugak aku try la apply keja kan. Interview tu adelah jugak aku pegi, tapi setakat ni takde lagi rezeki aku. Qasieh, tenkiu la sebab nak tolong aku. Tapi masalah jauh la keja tu. Sori bebeh. Aku just nak updatekan korang pasal diri aku je, since berhari dah aku diam tak update blog ni. So frens, tenkiu sebab jenguk blog ni. Aku mesti update kalu aku ade menda nak cakap. Haha, setakat ni takdela banyak sangat nak aku cakapkan. Ni je kot. Jangan risau pasal aku, aku OK dan sihat.
Masa Raya je aku sakit. Timing memang tak bole blah...
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
it's new...
Aku sebelum ni ade wat review album sebab macam korang tau la aku ni kan tokey lagu (haha). Review album sebelum ni aku wat kat Frenster tapi memandangkan Frenster dah tak hot macam dulu jadi aku pun wat la blog kedua untuk tujuan murni (eceh) ni. Harap korang follow la ye. Kalu korang nak aku review pape album bagitau le...tapi make sure English or Spanish jek...
Alamatnye: http://musictheoneandonly.blogspot.com/
Anyway aku dah sihat balik. Still planning bila nak pegi beli baju raya. Haha, segan siot baru nak pegi beli....
Alamatnye: http://musictheoneandonly.blogspot.com/
Anyway aku dah sihat balik. Still planning bila nak pegi beli baju raya. Haha, segan siot baru nak pegi beli....
Thursday, September 24, 2009
You want it?
Raya definitely not going well for me. In addition to my eyes, I got food poisoning on the 3rd Raya. Fascinating doesn't it? After countless toilet visits, it's finally getting better today. I even can't join my friends Raya tour this year which happen yesterday. I'm gonna stop asking why this shitty things keep on coming. Just redha jelah....
Well last night one of my friends was kind enough to send me this text. I think it's nasty, yet hilarious.
Kalau ada perselisihan faham, ajaklah BERMUZAKARAH
Kalau gagal cuba pula BERMUSYAWARAH
Dan jika masih gagal tanya MAUZAKARKAH?
You be the judge. The end.
Well last night one of my friends was kind enough to send me this text. I think it's nasty, yet hilarious.
Kalau ada perselisihan faham, ajaklah BERMUZAKARAH
Kalau gagal cuba pula BERMUSYAWARAH
Dan jika masih gagal tanya MAUZAKARKAH?
You be the judge. The end.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Let's see what you got....don't be shy...

All I know now is that everybody's asleep but I'm wide awake. It's 3.21 am (Adiela in UK adjust your clock now, hehe). I just watched CNBC and there was this show called The Suze Orman Show and it's probably the second show I'm gonna watch on CNBC (along with Conan O'Brien Show) and it was awesome!! It's about money guys...and it was a slap to my face. Ouch. Dah la sakit mata nih...kena lempang plak...well not literally I mean...
The Suze Orman Show involves around money matters and start nodding now guys, money has always been an issue. Some of us say no, it's never an issue. But still, it is true? Open your wallet and tell me it is a freaking problem. Well let's see...I got RM300 in cash and RM91 in bank account. Plus I got over RM21,000 in debt for two pieces of paper called diploma. I'm unemployed and still alive. A miracle? Not quite...
This post is actually try to make you realize how much you are in debt. Most of us especially students tend to forget they have to pay back each and every penny that they loaned and on top of that, interest. PTPTN is sure love to give but yes, it's also love to accept, even MORE!! So my friends who are loaning, please think before you make that purchase. Myself always wants something new (like right now, I'm dreaming of the new iPod Nano, sexy siott!!) and I know I cannot afford it. So what's the solution?
Start by shaking yourself to wake up from this financial dreams. We are not rich people!! Stop spending for something you cannot afford or even need. We need to educate ourselves about money. Right now I started reading Donald Trump's Why We Want You To Be Rich. I wanna be rich. I know you do, too. At the present time try to be thankful for what you have, like me for my 3 years old 6GB Creative ZEN mp3 player. It is sooo outdated (it was released back in 2004) and it has gone a period what we call "nyanyok already". A few glitches here and there but until it's dead, no new MP3 for me. It's sad truth but that's The Ugly Truth (oh the film is soo good...in theaters now).
So instead of 3D or digital 2D version of a movie, try the retro 35mm movies. I know who you are, who loves 3D movies. Perhaps it's time we all ask ourselves, is this a need or want? Or between Gold Class, Premiere Class or classless?
You go figure. If all else fails, try ask your wallet. It will surely nodding in agreement that you are certainly broke...
p/s: Congrats for Madonna with her new single Celebration entered at #3 in UK!! It is her 60th Top 40 entry in the country!! So Adiela, beli kat aku CD single tuh...hehehe...
Thursday, September 17, 2009
No not yet...
For all my frens, I'm not yet into Raya mode since I haven't got my baju Raya etc (but I bantai Raya cookies already). So no Raya e-cards or greetings just yet.
Perhaps in the next few days...hang in there...
Perhaps in the next few days...hang in there...
It's silly I know...
Spoiler alert: To all my friends from KLMU, please don't take this post seriously. I'm just expressing something about KLMU and I believe in freedom of speech. Please take this as an opinion. Thank you.
Dah macam Parental Advisory dah ni...move along then...
Two days ago I received a call from KL which from the first two numbers and I figured out perhaps KLMU finally gave me a call to claim something from me. When I saw that 03 number, I thought what am I gonna tell them. Anything BS would do I guess...
It's true, a lady from KLMU was on the other side of the line. But the case was different, here's the line from her:
I was confused. Two reasons why. First, why this girl calling me with an offer of a study opportunity? How come she didn't know that I was a student there? Imagine if I'm still a KLMU student, if she gave me a call it would be stupid if she offered me the offer since I already a student there. Now you can see how clueless and silly their administration are. The evil and all-about-commission Marketing Department have no idea about the existing student. Now I know every department there have no communication with each other. They just bother about themselves. No wonder I struggled there.
Second, how long does it gonna take for them to notice that I quit from there? I guess it would be eternity, since one of my amigo quit Cosmopoint (a division of KLMU) and almost a year now he never received a call from them. Wow, now you can see how troublesome they are. They don't even know what they're doing. They don't care about the students...just money makes their world go round...
I studied in UNISEL before and I thought UNISEL sucks to the bone. But it's such an eye opener when KLMU defeated UNISEL to claim the worst IPT I've been. Hands down. Now the lesson for me would be if you think the situation you've been is a deep shithole, there are other more deeper and even worse shithole than yours.
For my friends, please bear with them. I know you guys can pull this off. Finish what you started, which I have failed to do. Finish it for me guys. Get your money worth and never let them rip you off.
Your money do not grow on trees, you know it's true.
Dah macam Parental Advisory dah ni...move along then...
Two days ago I received a call from KL which from the first two numbers and I figured out perhaps KLMU finally gave me a call to claim something from me. When I saw that 03 number, I thought what am I gonna tell them. Anything BS would do I guess...
It's true, a lady from KLMU was on the other side of the line. But the case was different, here's the line from her:
Saya (somebody's daughter) daripada KLMU nak menawarkan peluang belajar sambil bekerja bla bla bla...
I was confused. Two reasons why. First, why this girl calling me with an offer of a study opportunity? How come she didn't know that I was a student there? Imagine if I'm still a KLMU student, if she gave me a call it would be stupid if she offered me the offer since I already a student there. Now you can see how clueless and silly their administration are. The evil and all-about-commission Marketing Department have no idea about the existing student. Now I know every department there have no communication with each other. They just bother about themselves. No wonder I struggled there.
Second, how long does it gonna take for them to notice that I quit from there? I guess it would be eternity, since one of my amigo quit Cosmopoint (a division of KLMU) and almost a year now he never received a call from them. Wow, now you can see how troublesome they are. They don't even know what they're doing. They don't care about the students...just money makes their world go round...
I studied in UNISEL before and I thought UNISEL sucks to the bone. But it's such an eye opener when KLMU defeated UNISEL to claim the worst IPT I've been. Hands down. Now the lesson for me would be if you think the situation you've been is a deep shithole, there are other more deeper and even worse shithole than yours.
For my friends, please bear with them. I know you guys can pull this off. Finish what you started, which I have failed to do. Finish it for me guys. Get your money worth and never let them rip you off.
Your money do not grow on trees, you know it's true.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
I'm sorry amma...

Oh damn. Beli already...don't want to membazir...
For me I need more food. The satisfaction over a plate of rice never make me full. Well actually it's lust that makes me feel that way (baik punye alasan). Sure there are 7 deadly sins and in this holy Ramadhan month I committed one deadly sin. MasyaAllah...so how much you guys eat everyday? Don't say you're on diet, tak baik tipu. Forget the fact that your wish is to lose weight. It's never gonna happen. With foods everywhere your stomach is the main controller of your brain. I remember when I'm in KL I always think that one dish is definitely show that you are stingy. Come on, almost 13-14 hours without food you think logically you can be full with just one dish? But after buka puasa, I know that's not true. Most human know when to stop eating. I'm one of them, but after a couple of hours I'm back in the kitchen. Eating. Ish ish...
The pic showing that I bantai my mom Raya cookies way before raya. Psst...my mom have no idea 'bout this. How can I resist that insatiable round shape? The chocolate rice on top of it? Ish, it's impossible. Aiyo, that's why la I can never lose weight (even though I never intended to). So amma, this raya day please forgive me for bantai-ing your cookies. How to susun ayat la?
Probably I should send her a Raya card. That will cool her down.
If not my head is on the chopping block...
Hepi?? Anniversary...
Tadi pagi aku pegi interview keja untuk Telekom. Posisi apa? Customer Service. Aku ni terus-terang dah naik bosan ngan terma tu. Bukan apa, kalu nak diikutkan aku dah tak suka melayan kerenah orang. Masa kat GSC dulu korang taulah memang macam-macam kerenah aku dah jumpa. Hati aku bukan keras macam granit, terguris dan tercalar tu dah selalu. Takkan aku nak tahan lagi ngan perangai manusia yang macam sial kalu aku dapat keja ni? Sebenarnya aku pun bukan apply keja ni, masa aku sehari sampai Penang agensi keja tipon aku untuk interview keja Telekom ni. Kalu ikut logik tak kuasa aku nak apply lagi keja yang paling susah ni....
Bagi sesapa yang langsung tak penah rasa keja area Customer Service korang janganla salah anggap yang keja ni senang. Bagi aku ni la keja paling mencabar dalam dunia ni. Korang yang keja ofis memang manja (erm sapa tu?). Keja ngan PC, printer dan sekali-sekala bergosip ngan teman sepejabat takkan dapat menandingi susah keja ngan orang ramai. Kena ugut, maki-hamun, jerkah, kena tuduh biadap tu memang selalu la aku kena. Sebab tu la keja camni la senang dapat, sebab takda orang nak keja camni. Dahla tu, gaji pulak ciput. Tak berbaloi ngan maki hamun yang aku kena hampir tetiap hari. Sebelum ni ada jugak aku terfikir nak apply Assistant Manager kat GSC tu tapi macam aku cakap tadi, hati aku bukan macam batu granit. Apa saja orang maki aku mesti turun sampai hati. Sakit tak tau nak kata.
So sekarang ni aku cuma berdoa kalu dapat keja ni mungkin aku akan tolak. Aku tau keadaan agak sempit sekarang ni tapi ini melibatkan menda yang aku akan wat bertahun-tahun yang akan datang. Takut nanti tak sampai 10 tahun aku keja dah masuk wad gila. Takmo beb camtu. Walaupun aku rasa aku agak ketinggalan tapi perjalanan hidup masih jauh lagi. Masih ada masa untuk menentukan apa yang aku nak. Keja ngan mesin atau PC tak susah sebab menda-menda tu takleh nak maki hamun kita, jadi kita yang selalunya maki menda-menda ni kan? Hahaha...
Anyway sad anniversary untuk 9/11. Tu ja.
Bagi sesapa yang langsung tak penah rasa keja area Customer Service korang janganla salah anggap yang keja ni senang. Bagi aku ni la keja paling mencabar dalam dunia ni. Korang yang keja ofis memang manja (erm sapa tu?). Keja ngan PC, printer dan sekali-sekala bergosip ngan teman sepejabat takkan dapat menandingi susah keja ngan orang ramai. Kena ugut, maki-hamun, jerkah, kena tuduh biadap tu memang selalu la aku kena. Sebab tu la keja camni la senang dapat, sebab takda orang nak keja camni. Dahla tu, gaji pulak ciput. Tak berbaloi ngan maki hamun yang aku kena hampir tetiap hari. Sebelum ni ada jugak aku terfikir nak apply Assistant Manager kat GSC tu tapi macam aku cakap tadi, hati aku bukan macam batu granit. Apa saja orang maki aku mesti turun sampai hati. Sakit tak tau nak kata.
So sekarang ni aku cuma berdoa kalu dapat keja ni mungkin aku akan tolak. Aku tau keadaan agak sempit sekarang ni tapi ini melibatkan menda yang aku akan wat bertahun-tahun yang akan datang. Takut nanti tak sampai 10 tahun aku keja dah masuk wad gila. Takmo beb camtu. Walaupun aku rasa aku agak ketinggalan tapi perjalanan hidup masih jauh lagi. Masih ada masa untuk menentukan apa yang aku nak. Keja ngan mesin atau PC tak susah sebab menda-menda tu takleh nak maki hamun kita, jadi kita yang selalunya maki menda-menda ni kan? Hahaha...
Anyway sad anniversary untuk 9/11. Tu ja.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Argh...sentimental betoi la...
Aku dah dekat seminggu balik Penang tapi beg baju aku langsung tak sentuh. Pehal? Bukanlah aku ni seorang yang pemalas (yelah tu) tapi cuma aku cuma sikit sedih sebab beg besar tu la menda pertama aku bungkus masa blah dari KL. Tak ke korang tau apa aku rasa? Huih, jangan cakap la pasal sedih. Buddies aku macam si Fadzil, Merul, budak-budak umah Tun sume sedey aku blah. Aku macam tak tau cemana nak respon kat diorang ni. Sebab tu aku blah camtu ja, kalu tak nak explain kat sorang-sorang memang la takkan abes. Tapi aku tetap bagitau kenapa aku blah, which is aku takleh nak elak. Bapak aku nak keja brenti keja, jadi kalu aku blaja tak ke pentingkan diri namanya tu? Aku takmo tengok parents aku struggle nak support aku time blaja. Takmo.
Sekarang ni life cam takda kemajuan. Masih kat situ gak. Nak keja kat GSC balik dah segan. Ramai kawan-kawan aku dah teruskan kehidupan. Cuma aku yang dok ketinggalan. Masa ni la aku rasa perit sebab aku takleh nak wat degree dah. Aku cuma ada sekeping diploma (eh, sorry 2 keping sebab ada BM satu BI satu) dan degree tu mungkin aku takkan ada. Buddy aku Si Qasieh mesti tau cemana rasanya jadi college dropout. Kita geng Qas!! Haha.
Aku dah try cari kerja leklok skit. Ada la satu dua panggilan interview. Harap-harap melekat la keja kali ni. Memang aku miss KL sekarang ni. Geng-geng KLMU suma aku rindu, harap dapat jumpa hangpa lagi kalu ada rezeki. Dah ada peluang ni stadi leklok. Kalu tak memang korang tak bersyukur. Kan? Hoho...jangan ponteng posa gak. Mak marah weh...
OKla tu ja luahan hati sedih aku ni. Nak prepare untuk interview keja plak. Dok praktis cakap sorang-sorang depan cermin macam orang hilang akal. Tipikal la...
p/s: Check out my new hair!! Mahai aku wat weiii...
Sekarang ni life cam takda kemajuan. Masih kat situ gak. Nak keja kat GSC balik dah segan. Ramai kawan-kawan aku dah teruskan kehidupan. Cuma aku yang dok ketinggalan. Masa ni la aku rasa perit sebab aku takleh nak wat degree dah. Aku cuma ada sekeping diploma (eh, sorry 2 keping sebab ada BM satu BI satu) dan degree tu mungkin aku takkan ada. Buddy aku Si Qasieh mesti tau cemana rasanya jadi college dropout. Kita geng Qas!! Haha.
Aku dah try cari kerja leklok skit. Ada la satu dua panggilan interview. Harap-harap melekat la keja kali ni. Memang aku miss KL sekarang ni. Geng-geng KLMU suma aku rindu, harap dapat jumpa hangpa lagi kalu ada rezeki. Dah ada peluang ni stadi leklok. Kalu tak memang korang tak bersyukur. Kan? Hoho...jangan ponteng posa gak. Mak marah weh...
OKla tu ja luahan hati sedih aku ni. Nak prepare untuk interview keja plak. Dok praktis cakap sorang-sorang depan cermin macam orang hilang akal. Tipikal la...
p/s: Check out my new hair!! Mahai aku wat weiii...
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Death in 3D? Yummy...

OK the cat is out of the bag. I'm a college dropout. I bet most of you have mixed feeling bout this. Honestly I don't really care. Eventhough I'm back to square one perhaps I should look elsewhere for opportunity. Anyway I'm still the same guy so movies is what I do to past all these FREE time that I have.
My buddies should know that I love violent movies. SAW films is the trigger point for me. Amputated legs, hands and lots of blood makes me amused. The more the better. Hands down to The Hills Have Eyes for making me addicted to it. Touchdown y'all!! But I never watched this franchise films of Final Destination. Never heard of it. But if it's violent, I gotta watch it, eventhough it's already the FINAL installment (jeez I wonder when the hell SAW films gonna ends).
Let's cut to the chase. This film is no good. The effects filled with CGI and let's face it, CGI is not cool. I bet the producers never watched SAW films or even Dawn of the Dead 2004. Old skool effects always work best for this kind of movies. But no, they prefer computers over make-up. No wonder I never heard of Final Destination franchise...it sucks!
But one point makes me think is that you can't really escape death. I find it funny when the characters try so hard to deny death. Death come in many ways so the characters died with tragic twist (grinned in escalator, hit by ambulance (how ironic) etc) and the final scene should be two characters died in an explosion while watching 3D movie. Have you ever imagined died in 3D? I say that's the coolest finale ever but no, it never happened. Damn.
p/s: Oh yea. Happy Besday to my buddy Tun Alifuddin. Ibumu merinduimu. Haha...
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Why it's so damn hard...
I've been thinking a lot, why the hell my life in KL is so goddamn hard? I don't get it, my intuition is only to pursue my degree and yet lots of shitty things happen to me. Why?
Yesterday was by far the worst. When I heard that PTPTN loan contract finally out I feel like a huge burden was lifted from my shoulder. At least I don't have to worry 'bout cash all the time. But the problem was far from over.
Thanks to the idiotic staff in KLMU that mistakenly read my mother's payslip my loan is almost 10k short from everyone else. Fuck! Can they read a simple payslip? Gosh, now I have to pay for the stupid mistake. Who the hell gonna support me if I don't get enough loans like everybody else? I dunno guys, this is too much for me to handle. Now PTPTN thought my mom earn almost RM4k a month so they cut out my loans because supposedly I was born with silver spoon in my mouth. KLMU staff simply said to me that the contract is already out and I have to take the amount that they offered. Why the hell should I do that? It's not my mistake, why should I pay for it?
My mom only works in factory, she's not even a supervisor. How can she earn 4k a month? Ridiculous. If your suggestion is for me to work part-time, I tried that before. But I only lasted a week because the schedule was so hectic I can barely have time to sleep. I got only 3 month a semester, that's the reason why I can't work. Either I work or study, not both. I wanna have great results and great life. I know I deserve it. But this shit hole is deeper than anything I've been into.
Perhaps Allah have better plans for me, which is to start work. That's only I have in mind now. Perhaps art student is never been a path I should take. So now all I can do is try to correct the mistakes.
If not then you know where to find me...
Yesterday was by far the worst. When I heard that PTPTN loan contract finally out I feel like a huge burden was lifted from my shoulder. At least I don't have to worry 'bout cash all the time. But the problem was far from over.
Thanks to the idiotic staff in KLMU that mistakenly read my mother's payslip my loan is almost 10k short from everyone else. Fuck! Can they read a simple payslip? Gosh, now I have to pay for the stupid mistake. Who the hell gonna support me if I don't get enough loans like everybody else? I dunno guys, this is too much for me to handle. Now PTPTN thought my mom earn almost RM4k a month so they cut out my loans because supposedly I was born with silver spoon in my mouth. KLMU staff simply said to me that the contract is already out and I have to take the amount that they offered. Why the hell should I do that? It's not my mistake, why should I pay for it?
My mom only works in factory, she's not even a supervisor. How can she earn 4k a month? Ridiculous. If your suggestion is for me to work part-time, I tried that before. But I only lasted a week because the schedule was so hectic I can barely have time to sleep. I got only 3 month a semester, that's the reason why I can't work. Either I work or study, not both. I wanna have great results and great life. I know I deserve it. But this shit hole is deeper than anything I've been into.
Perhaps Allah have better plans for me, which is to start work. That's only I have in mind now. Perhaps art student is never been a path I should take. So now all I can do is try to correct the mistakes.
If not then you know where to find me...
Monday, August 17, 2009
If today was your last day...
I went to hospitals a few times before, and it crushed my heart when I saw family members crying over their loved ones. I felt like this is hell, where sadness and misery comes hand-in-hand. Well, yesterday it was super scary. Hospital is where I gotta be. I have to. Hospital or die...
I got this fever on Friday and it's still lingers on me. It never really go away. I'm not optimistic, and with this stupid voice keep reminding me I probably die of H1N1. Then I think what if today is my last day...have I live my life to the fullest? Far from it...far...
Time passes by with us failed to make the best of it. We always want to be on the other side, where suffering has ended. I can't imagine myself the next week, will I still be alive? Will I able to see my family again? My friends? Too much...
When I only diagnosed with just regular fever, it was a relief. I'm not going yet, but I never know when I really going. Don't get carried away with this world. It's only temporary. Death is for sure, never ever doubt it.
Have you prepared yourself for it?
Friday, August 14, 2009
I choose to lie...you do too...
a) Send MMS
b) Make video call
c) Share files via Bluetooth
d) Bluetooth streaming
e) Cut and paste function
f) Record video
People paid for RM$$$$ (price varies) for a phone that can't do all those basic things? What a loser...but wait. It sold faster than goreng pisang when it when on sale a few years back and it still do. One small thing that stuck in my head, do we really use all those miss-functions when we use the iPhone? I don't think so...
Let's take one function, say, video call. When 3G launched people go crazy over it, like heaven finally opened its doors to tech goers. But if we look back, almost all of us never made video calls, true? I have a Sony Ericsson K530i and only made one video call and I only received a video call from my bro a few days ago. FYI, video calls never took off because when we video call, it's hard to lie. Don't start now folks, I know most of you lied on phone calls. I did, a few times. Hands clean...
Here's a situation:
A husband wants to watch football match with his mates but he already promised his wife he will be home early for dinner. If he use video call, how da hell he gonna lie to his wife? With old-school phone call, he can lie and live a happy life.
The end.
Apple is one smart bastard. The company managed to see what people really use and put it inside the iPhone. But most of us still overlooked this as we say "more is better". Sure lots of phone today have WiFi, 3G, multi-megapixel camera, giga-almost-tera bytes of space but do we really use that? When the hell you gonna surf the web via your tiny phone screen? A netbook is of course a more secure bet. 8 megapixel camera? The pictures still blurry and compact digicams gonna win hands-down. Spaces? What's my portable hard-disk for? Or my 16GB SD cards?
Astronomical price is still the only bummer. So, iPhone or Nokia E63?
The wallet will call a winnner....
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Wah, bukan main ko ek...
Masa turun tangga KLMU tuh si Irwansyah (dier budak Kelate, bukan Endon) cakap ngan aku dier pun nak pegi Low Yat ngan Qayyim. Aku pun on la sebab dah lama round sesorang. Best gak ade kawan. Aku pun janji nak jumpa kat sane....malangnya....
Time aku kat area Bukit Bintang ujan dah stat turun. Aku pun ape lagi, dengan pantas cari stesen minyak untuk selamatkan harta menda aku yang sensitif cecair (i.e netbook). Lepas tu ujan turun la dengan lebatnya...aku pun start berangan kalu la time ni aku kat umah...fuuhh...bantal, tilam yang empuk...yeah...tapi aku kat Esso time tu...hemmm...
Masa aku lepak kat Esso tu tetiba ada sorang unkle botak bawak Iswara tahap besi buruk parking depan moto aku. Aku ingat dier nak isi minyak, tapi takde pun. Lepak aje mamat botak tu dalam keta. Aku naik hairan nape lepak kat sini, sedangkan orang nak isi minyak susah. Dier dah block jalan kat Esso tuh, tapi wat bodo atau memang bodo. Kesian aku tengok bila orang datang nak isi minyak, susah bebenor.
Pastu akak cashier datang la suruh dier lepak jauh skit, sebab dah block jalan. Tapi menjawab ye mamat tu tuan-tuan. Last-last akak tu give up dan pegi jaga kaunter. Aku memang naik hairan, nape ko lepak dalam stesen minyak ni sedangkan keta ko kan ade bumbung? Nak cakap Iswara ade klua versi convertible takde la plak. Kalu takleh nak drive dalam ujan then lepak la tepi jalan ke. Ni tak, lepak dalam stesen minyak yang kecik tuh. Apa punya manusia la...pikir diri sendiri ja. Bengap...
Jadi pengajaran yang abang nak bagitau adik-adik hari ni ialah walaupun keputusan yang kita wat nampak kecik dan takda masalah akan timbul tapi kekadang keputusan kecik tu la yang effect orang lain. Dan ingatlah bukan ko sorang je dalam dunia ni, kita hidup bermasyarakat. Kalu nak ikut pale otak sendiri je gi dok dalam hutan. Area KL ni ko nak hutan kat Bukit Nenas tuh, area KL Tower. Tak cukup pokok kat situ ko panjat la KL Tower tuh.
Po po!! (dialek Tamil bermakna pegi pegi!!)
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
I'm bored...and never lovin' it...
It's Mr Satish class. You get the idea. It's been almost 3 months since we entered this class and it is still the same Satish that I posted about before. He never really change. I just don't get it. Right now my will simply evaporated into thin air. No more interest in this class. Can you really call this a class? Barely...
I dunno what do I have to do to get my money's worth. Right now I'm in his class typing this blog entry. I'm simply lost interest on what happen in this class. I tried to push myself to "learn" whatever he's showing us but I can't push myself to do something useless. I'm not gonna simply follow what he's showing us because he never explain what is it for. The point of doing all those things that he teach us.
I'm leaving now...
Friday, August 7, 2009
Ah brape? Nak amik...
Harga keta Bentley adala dalam sejuta ringgit satu, pastu campur cukai ngan insurans etc dah dekat RM2 million. Tak ke korang rasa manusia yang bole beli menda-menda camni memang tak merasa pening susah nak cari duit? Gambar kat atas ni adalah salah satu kereta mewah yang orang KL ramai dok pakai selain daripada keta faveret aku Porsche Cayenne iaitu Mercedez Benz CLS 55 AMG. Keta ni tak dijual secara rasmi kat Malaysia oleh Mercedez Benz Malaysia dan memang dah sah keta ni diimport dari luar. Harga keta ni aku agak-agak dalam rm1.5 juta atas jalan. Agak-agak cemana la tuan keta ni nak baya bulan-bulan ye? Berapa agaknya? Downpayment? Insurans lagik?
Bila la aku nak kaya? Dok berhutang ja keja...haih...
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
I don't understand...but what the heck...
First a fact: Golden Screen Cinemas Mid Valley Megamall housed 18 screens and have 2899 seats, which is the biggest multiplex in Asia. Ironically Malaysia is one of the smallest country in Asia...hmm weird doesn't it?
Well this evening I finally got a chance to watch a movie in the biggest multiplex in Asia. Having to work before in GSC, I found it interesting that every GSC is the same, except the environment. But when I was a staff in GSC, I found one thing that really bugs me, do people really understand the movie they watch? At that time I found out that people don't really give a damn 'bout the story. They just simply enjoy the effects and by words of mouth...I think their hard earned cash doesn't mean anything at all...
Before I came up with that conclusion, I did a little survey after movies are over. I would stand on the exit door and asked:
But now I finally understand what they felt. Today I watched Harry Potter & The Half-Blood Prince and honestly I don't understand the movie since I'm not a Harry Potter fan plus the near-Bollywood runtime. But after the movie, I can't really hate it. I dunno why. My head keep telling me to hate it but my heart says no. Hmm...so people, we human are very complicated. We even like things that we don't understand.
Perhaps the world is going crazy after all...
Well this evening I finally got a chance to watch a movie in the biggest multiplex in Asia. Having to work before in GSC, I found it interesting that every GSC is the same, except the environment. But when I was a staff in GSC, I found one thing that really bugs me, do people really understand the movie they watch? At that time I found out that people don't really give a damn 'bout the story. They just simply enjoy the effects and by words of mouth...I think their hard earned cash doesn't mean anything at all...
Before I came up with that conclusion, I did a little survey after movies are over. I would stand on the exit door and asked:
So sir, how was the movie?The feedback was a bit lame. They simply don't care or just say OK and I didn't really get the excitement if the movie was great. And let me tell you this, Hollywood is running out of ideas. Example Terminator 4 is actually Terminator 2.5, and Fast & Furious 4 is also Fast & Furious 2.5. They sit right the middle of previous movies. But customers that I got never complained about the silly storyline. Most people keep on coming to watch the movie. That was really confusing...why people wanna see a movie that go backwards? Only Star Wars can do that...
But now I finally understand what they felt. Today I watched Harry Potter & The Half-Blood Prince and honestly I don't understand the movie since I'm not a Harry Potter fan plus the near-Bollywood runtime. But after the movie, I can't really hate it. I dunno why. My head keep telling me to hate it but my heart says no. Hmm...so people, we human are very complicated. We even like things that we don't understand.
Perhaps the world is going crazy after all...
Monday, August 3, 2009
We are all brothers...from Africa?
Yet again it's Monday and of course Mr Bala will come into our class and start his "so-called" class. Well this few weeks he keeps on repeating something that he already mentioned or did such as "where are you from?" and "why you must improve your English" etc. Honestly I'm getting bored because jokes are only works once, or maybe twice, but never more than that. I concluded that he's running out of ideas. But still, he surprised me. Here's what he's gotta say this week...
Mr. Bala always proud to come from Sri Lanka (his ancestors from there, the Tamil Tigers generation) and always mentioned that politics really sucks (tell me 'bout it) and we cannot simply pride our race to be better than others. That's the reason why we are so far from each other. But this is where he fall off the tangen. He said that all of us came from Africa, no matter what your skin colour etc. I dunno bout that and keep questioning the truth behind that claim...
All I know is my ancestors came from Pakistan (my father's side) and Indonesia (my mother's side). There are no Africa in the words. But still I think it's pretty true, since civilization and religion started from that region. But it's all in the distant past, so what should I care? I can't see the reason why...can you?
Then he keep reminding us that the greatest people alive or passed away are black. Nat King Cole, Muhammad Ali, Michael Jackson, Ray Charles...all great people that are very influential to the world today. I can see he's right, but white people do strive too right? I don't say he is wrong but he just try to make his point true. So for me, 50-50 then...
But one thing for sure Mr. Bala did recommend us one thing. If you see African tourists along the road or somewhere, go give them a hug, because we are family! I think that's a good idea. If I do it I will say "Yo my man, my brother from another mother!!"
I'm not sure I'll end up alive or end up on the hospital bed...
Mr. Bala always proud to come from Sri Lanka (his ancestors from there, the Tamil Tigers generation) and always mentioned that politics really sucks (tell me 'bout it) and we cannot simply pride our race to be better than others. That's the reason why we are so far from each other. But this is where he fall off the tangen. He said that all of us came from Africa, no matter what your skin colour etc. I dunno bout that and keep questioning the truth behind that claim...
All I know is my ancestors came from Pakistan (my father's side) and Indonesia (my mother's side). There are no Africa in the words. But still I think it's pretty true, since civilization and religion started from that region. But it's all in the distant past, so what should I care? I can't see the reason why...can you?
Then he keep reminding us that the greatest people alive or passed away are black. Nat King Cole, Muhammad Ali, Michael Jackson, Ray Charles...all great people that are very influential to the world today. I can see he's right, but white people do strive too right? I don't say he is wrong but he just try to make his point true. So for me, 50-50 then...
But one thing for sure Mr. Bala did recommend us one thing. If you see African tourists along the road or somewhere, go give them a hug, because we are family! I think that's a good idea. If I do it I will say "Yo my man, my brother from another mother!!"
I'm not sure I'll end up alive or end up on the hospital bed...
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Blaja rajin-rajin! It's an order!!
Yesterday after Friday prayer yours truly went to a makcik shop to buy some sugar...
That makcik like biasa answer...
Betul jugak cakap makcik tu...don't you think so?
Makcik, gula katne?That makcik pun answerlah...
Ade kat tepi tu, gi amik...Yours truly just read something on the newspaper saying that sugar in some territories are hard to find, so he decided to make some conversation with that makcik...
Makcik sekarang ni gula dah susah nak dapat ek, yela dah nak puasa ni pastu raya pulak...
That makcik like biasa answer...
Itula makcik selalu cakap, blaja rajin-rajin. Makcik selalu bising kat anak makcik blaja rajin-rajin sebab nanti bole pegang ekonomi. Bukan macam sekarang ni, asyik mengekor je ape yang jadi. Kamu pun student kan? Nanti dah abis blaja pegang ekonomi, takde susah macam sekarang ni...Yours truly went home with a head full with thoughts.
Betul jugak cakap makcik tu...don't you think so?
Thursday, July 30, 2009
It's time...sing Forrest sing!!
Million dollar question with one dollar answer: it was OK!! How can it be you ask? Well most of my friends got cold feet (even cold hands, since they were shaking when they sang) but all of us sang!!
The condition wasn't as bad as we thought (I wish it went miserably) and Bala never laugh at all. It was a surprise since Bala with all his vulgar attitude he managed to stay cool and listen without any harsh comment. I still can't believe his mouth shut tight during the tedious process.
At that time Bala asked us who wanna start first. Yours truly didn't wanna be the first person to sing. Uh uh...but luckily girls went off first and eventhough they didn't sound like Siti Nurhaliza but it was brave for them to be the first to sing. Bravo...
Actually I don't really remember the whole process since it was two days ago. I wish I write this blog earlier then we gonna have the juiciest bits from the event. But what to to, this week is hell for me, 3 mid-term exams at once! So don't really pay attention to what happen to me this week. All I know I wanna get over this exams a.s.a.p!
OK, that's it for now. Sorry 'bout the lack of info. Lupa dah...
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Bila manusia tak sedar diri...

Aku dah lama dok area KL ni, jadi memang dah biasa yang manusia kat sini ade yang open tapi ada jugak yang closed minded. Yang closed minded ni la yang jadi penyebab kenapa kami yang dok hostel jadi tak tentu arah sekarang ni. Ceritanya camni...
Kat hostel ni ramai budak-budak KLMU dan ade gak budak kolej lain (berSEGI kolej antaranya) dan biasala budak-budak muda nak melepak kat tepi kolam renang tahap Olimpik (tapi student tak leh wat pape kat kolam tu) sampai larut malam. Tapi residen kat sini sumanya tak sedar diri, melepak camtu pun tak boleh. Aku bila tau ada peraturan baru camtu, aku dah stat garu kepala. Abis tu masa diorang muda-muda dulu tak penah lepak ke? Ni KL beb, bukan kampung atau estet tempat diorang datang. Dan selepas tu ada je menda yang kami takleh wat. Sebenarnye ada banyak citer aku denga dan paling terbaru, sume budak laki kat sini kene pindah gi hostel kat Kepong.
Bapak gila jauh! Naik moto pun dekat setengah jam baru sampai kolej, kalu naik komuter nak jalan jauh, pastu kena bayar 2 way. Denga RM4 two way. Sehari RM4? Gila babi apa...
Sekarang ni apa yang aku tak faham knapa residen kat sini closed minded sangat? Bukan suma student jahat, ada sesetengah ja. Tapi dicop suma jahat. Langsung tak sedar diri. Dan student ni plak bodo, bunyi ja blaja universiti, tapi dah marah dicontengnya dinding kayu lift dengan perkataan-perkataan maki hamun. Apekah bodoh diorang ni? Memang tak syak lagi...
Kalu nak diikutkan dua-dua pihak salah, tapi kami tak wat pape ni la tanggung akibatnya. Haih, lepas satu masalah, datang lagi satu. Redha jelah. Wat kawan-kawan yang sama status ngan aku sabar la ek. We're in this together.
United we stand!!!
(Macam nak gi perang dah...)
P/S: Sesape (especially gadis-gadis) yang suka kacau rumahtangga atau relationship kawan-kawan aku tolongla bertaubat. Bukan takde laki lain dalam donia nih. Dan yang terhegeh-hegeh kat jantan (u noe who u are) bawak-bawak jugak bertaubat. Ko tu bukan lawa sangat pun, cukupla ko rosakkan relationship besfren aku. Tak masuk syurga kalu orang tu tak maafkan dosa kau. Mind.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Sale!!! Tapi untuk sape?

Yelah, nape kedai-kedai aku minat pegi tak wat sale? Knapa?? Tapi difikirkan bagus gak diorang tak wat sale, kalu tak memang dah pegi pajak gadai aku gadaikan apa yang perlu...haha. Tapi sekarang ni orang rasanya dah jarang nak shopping sebab keadaan ekonomi pastu ngan H1N1 lagik. UiTM satu Malaya tutup sebab menda alah tu. Adik aku punya poli pun tutup seminggu dan juga kawan aku Azura (crew leader GSC dulu) yang blaja nak jadi cekgu kat IPIK Cheras kena halau balik Penang sebab ada budak kena virus babi tu. Huii...makin takut aku.
Rasanya sekarang ni lebih selamat dok umah ye?
Ah takde!! Aku kaki round, takde nak dok umah membatu ja. Sorila bebeh, not me. Weekend ni PC Fair...ada brani?
P/S: Ah ye...smalam kitorang dah melalak kat Bala. Mau story? Nanti la ye...tunggu...
Friday, July 24, 2009
Never been done before...
Minggu ni adalah antara minggu yang paling teruk yang aku penah alami. Terus-terang memang nak aje aku larikan diri daripada masalah yang asyik menghentam kepala otak aku ni. Tapi aku pegi mana pun masalah tu tetap tak selesai.
Salah sorang kawan baik aku iaitu moto aku jatuh sakit baru-baru ni. Aku dah habis banyak kat dier, pastu Selasa ni kena gi Modenas Shah Alam nak sahkan kesihatan moto aku tu. Risau abis aku. Dahla jauh amat, ntah brapa pulak kena kalu nak repair kali ni. Aku memang tak reti nak duduk diam, kalu kat Penang pun abis satu pulau aku keliling kalu ade free time. Jadi apatah lagi KL yang ade banyak giler tempat menarik lagi mengabihkan wang aku...
Sekarang ni aku ada kat hostel, sebab moto aku tu dinasihatkan tidak berjalan jauh untuk sementara waktu. Aku berdoa agar moto aku tu sihat la untuk dibawa ke Shah Alam ari Selasa ni. Tak penah aku ade kat hostel ari Jumaat. Macam pelik...tapi wat biasa la...tapi tetap feeling luar biasa...
Ya Allah, tingkatkanlah kesabaran dalam diri hambaMu ini...sesungguhnya setiap masalah adalah ujianMu bagi menguji sejauh mana iman hamba-hambaMu...
Sabar jela yob...
p/s: Tengah praktis lagu untuk nyanyi kat Bala Isnin ni...hmm...takde feeling nak nyanyi la...
Salah sorang kawan baik aku iaitu moto aku jatuh sakit baru-baru ni. Aku dah habis banyak kat dier, pastu Selasa ni kena gi Modenas Shah Alam nak sahkan kesihatan moto aku tu. Risau abis aku. Dahla jauh amat, ntah brapa pulak kena kalu nak repair kali ni. Aku memang tak reti nak duduk diam, kalu kat Penang pun abis satu pulau aku keliling kalu ade free time. Jadi apatah lagi KL yang ade banyak giler tempat menarik lagi mengabihkan wang aku...
Sekarang ni aku ada kat hostel, sebab moto aku tu dinasihatkan tidak berjalan jauh untuk sementara waktu. Aku berdoa agar moto aku tu sihat la untuk dibawa ke Shah Alam ari Selasa ni. Tak penah aku ade kat hostel ari Jumaat. Macam pelik...tapi wat biasa la...tapi tetap feeling luar biasa...
Ya Allah, tingkatkanlah kesabaran dalam diri hambaMu ini...sesungguhnya setiap masalah adalah ujianMu bagi menguji sejauh mana iman hamba-hambaMu...
Sabar jela yob...
p/s: Tengah praktis lagu untuk nyanyi kat Bala Isnin ni...hmm...takde feeling nak nyanyi la...
Monday, July 20, 2009
Jangan bersedih...
Aku baru sedar bahawa setiap manusia dalam dunia ni bukan semuanya gembira sentiasa. Ada saja konflik dalam diri diorang, kalu sesiapa yang pandai cover tu bagusla, tapi aku memang tak pandai cover bila ada masalah. Jadi kepada kengkawan aku yang ada masalah, aku sedia menjadi telinga yang mendengar. Jangan malu atau segan untuk berkongsi masalah. Biasalah manusia ada masalah, takde apa yang perlu dimalukan...
Jadi kalu korang ade masalah, cuba bincang ngan sesiapa. Jangan simpan dalam hati. Tak ke mana masalah tu kalau dipendam. Jangan ingat korang sesorang je dalam dunia ni. Ada 6 billion manusia lagik tau. Hidup ni panjang lagi, kalu memang dah ajal memang tak boleh nak buat apa. Tapi hidup kena diteruskan. Hanya Akhirat yang kekal. Bersabarlah, aku ni pun sebenarnya ade gak problem tapi aku tetap berjalan ke depan. Hidup tak berenti beb.
Viva la Vida!!
Jadi kalu korang ade masalah, cuba bincang ngan sesiapa. Jangan simpan dalam hati. Tak ke mana masalah tu kalau dipendam. Jangan ingat korang sesorang je dalam dunia ni. Ada 6 billion manusia lagik tau. Hidup ni panjang lagi, kalu memang dah ajal memang tak boleh nak buat apa. Tapi hidup kena diteruskan. Hanya Akhirat yang kekal. Bersabarlah, aku ni pun sebenarnya ade gak problem tapi aku tetap berjalan ke depan. Hidup tak berenti beb.
Viva la Vida!!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Erm...awesome...awesomely bad...

So tonight, gotta leave that 9-to-5 upon the shelf/And just enjoy yourself/ Groove and let the madness in the music get to you/ Life's ain't so bad at all, if you live it off the wall
I haven't done any of the mid-term exam. I can't believe it's already mid-term. Gosh, the more I think bout it the more nervous I get...and last couple of days I got to prepare for the most ridiculous mid-term exam ever. Sit down and shut up, I'll tell you...
Have you ever heard the band named The Platters? I can sense more shaking than nodding. I don't blame you for not knowing this ancient band. They were popular in the 1960's, the decade where love is all around thanks to the hippies. And hey, I bet most of you were born in 1980's, the decade where ozone layer flattens due to excessive usage of hairspray (see Bon Jovi or Madonna during those days). So what's up with The Platters...here's why...
Mr. Bala figure out that writing is not so much fun at all. So he decided to pass around a couple of very retro songs (among them from The Platters, Chuck Berry, Elvis etc.) and he gonna make us sings and write on why we like the particular song. If I'm not mistaken, I'm in KLMU, not in some kind of music college...
Honestly I have no problems singing all those songs because I'm all retro. I love Elvis, Beatles, Rolling Stones, Cliff Richard and of course The Platters. But that doesn't make it right. Should an exam been done instead of singing? Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. Just weird...
It's worth 10%. All those singing and why-I-like-this song thingy. It's quite a lot. Come to think of it, I were right. Mr Bala is different. Unorthodox way in making us get a few marks. It's gonna be an experience of a lifetime I bet. A bad copy of American Idol audition tape?
Haha, we'll see!!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
I'm a grown man for heaven's sake...

I'm pretty sure it's almost a decade since I owned a pencil sharpener. But a few weeks ago I've broken that time period when I got myself a pencil sharpener. Since I have to sketch of course I would need a pencil and what does a pencil need everyone? No, not an eraser but that answer can be accepted as well. Come on everybody...spell it!!
P.E.N.C.I.L S.H.A.R.P.E.N.E.R!!!!
OK good. A picture included in this post is my assignment. Yes, I just bought that scissors and that glue. Does that picture bring back old memories? Haha, I'm quite sure when I took my diploma it's hard to think when the hell I would need a pair of scissors and glue. I always lent from my friends if I ever need those things. Of course, IT student do not need glue. For what? To stick a motherboard into the casing? I'm sure that's gonna bring you into psychiatric ward very soon. Very soon.
But owning those things triggered some flashbacks in my brain. I'm sure remember when I was obsessed with pencils. I must have the 2B black-and-yellow stripes pencil. No red pencils for me. Apa klass?? And of course, the classic rounded pencil sharpener with mirror behind it? Remember that? How about yellow wood ruler? Yea the one our teachers used to smack our palms when we didn't do our homework? Aahh...yes...those days...
But now I'm 22. Eventhough I haven't vote for general election (I'm not sure I will...) but my physical and my brain telling me I'm an adult. But still, an adult still need a pencil. For work. Or assignment. You see we can't escape our past. It's actually fun when we think back our past. Plus Ramadhan just around the corner. Time to relive the fun of being a kid!!!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Denga sikit-sikit udeh...

Jehan, awat ang mai sini?
Dia pun jawabla..
Abang aku (rekaan semata-mata) mai UNISEL malam ni, Anwar Ibrahim...
Aku pun baru teingat yang pemimpin yang kontroversi Anwar Ibrahim nak datang UNISEL untuk wat ceramah. Bukan ceramah politik tapi ceramah motivasi...yelah tu...
Aku memang meluat politik ni. Cakap berapi, pastu habuk pun tarak. Tak abis-abis yakinkan rakyat diorang la best, sempoi etc tapi dalam parlimen gaduh macam budak kecik, lawan raja pastu sapa yang terkena? Rakyat jugak...
Aku kalu diikutkan memang malas nak gi ceramah tu tapi aku teringin gak nak dengar ape orang kampung aku ni nak cakap. Yelah, tajuk pidato kepimpinan, takde langsung politik dalam tajuk tu, jadi aku nak tengok sejauh mana kebenaran tajuk tu...
Sebelum Anwar sampai, adela skit-skit ceramah pembukaan dari ahli-ahli pembangkang seperti DUN Balik Pulau etc. Ramai orang kampung aku kat UNISEL malam ni. Dah ada baur-baur politik dalam ceramah diorang. Aku mula rasa tak selesa. Dan bila Anwar sampai, crowd jadi havoc. Biasala, bukan senang nak jumpa Anwar Ibrahim. Kalu artis senangla jumpa kat KL ni. Ko pegi je KLCC, Pavilion atau 1 Utama, sure nampak sekor dua...anyway...
Bila Anwar bercakap, aku rasa ade kebenarannya. Aku cuba untuk positifkan otak aku ni supaya jangan ingat ceramah ni pasal politik je. Tapi apakan daya, contoh yang diberikan sering ada ja disebut "si anu", "menteri ni" dan sebagainya. Memang aku dah agak ceramah ni serampang dua mata, politik satu dan "motivasi" satu. Takleh punye nak betul-betul ceramah pasal kepimpinan, mesti ada contoh politik punye...
Dan bila ada sesi soal-jawab, ada sorang mamat ni tanye pasal komen Anwar pasal ahli lompat parti. Jadi apa lagi tuan-tuan, terus laju je jawapannye politik aje. Nama-nama ahli politik ramai disebut, pastu dah terus hilang tujuan sebenar ceramah ni...mungkin ni la tajuk sebenar ceramah ni...macam mula-mula aku agak...
Aku sebenarnye malas nak komen pasal ceramah ni. Kite sume tahu tujuan sebenar ceramah ni diadakan. Aku pun awal-awal dah tau. Bagi aku amik ape yang bole aku terima, yang politik haram jadah tu aku langsung takmo denga. Propaganda sume tu. Aku rejek terus. No layan...
Oh ye, selamat hari jadi adik aku Zuhairi. Dah 18 tahun hang noo...sekarang ni amik Akaun kat Politeknik Seberang Perai Penang. Blaja rajin-rajin. Duit tu kalu short jugak tak tau aku nak komen, dah amik Akaun kan...hehehe...Present nanti la aku bagi. Aite?
Friday, July 3, 2009
Bunyi pelik...tapi benar...
Selama aku hidup atas muka bumi ni, aku selalu pegi masjid untuk semayang Jumaat sebelum tok khatib bace khutbah Jumaat. Tapi yelah, kekadang aku lambat jugak, sampai dah abis khutbah baru nak terkejar-kejar masuk saf. Haha, tu pengaruh ex-housemate aku la (eceh, salahkan orang plak ko ye...)
Aku tetiap minggu akan lepak UNISEL, umah sewa lama aku. Itula rutin aku tetiap ujung minggu. Best gak lepak sini. Ade jugak ko nampak kehijauan rimba kat sini, kalu kat Sentul ko nampak bangunan tinggi menjulang je. Aku pun dok tingkat 11, jadi memang nampak abis la hutan konkrit kat KL tuh. Anyway, cakap pasal solat Jumaat ni...
Aku sampai Masjid UNISEL kul 1.30pm. Baru azan, jadi aku tak lambat (oh yeah!). Masa aku duduk berzikir (nak menipu pun agak-agak la wei), tok khatib pun naik atas mimbar nak start khutbah. Aku pun cuba nak kenal sape tok khatib tapi tak kenal (macam la aku ni selalu gi masjid). Tok khatib pun start baca khutbah...
Aku pada mulanya kehairanan. Adakah aku bermimpi? Tak kot...tapi awat tok khatib bace khutbah dalam English? Aku memang terkejut abis. Si Bala (letcurer English aku) dah brainwash tok khatib UNISEL untuk cakap English ke? Tidak, tidak...
Aku memang pelik gila denga khutbah dalam English. Rasa macam orientasi dulu bila ada sorang mamat ni wat opening speech kat budak-budak baru, haram tak paham. Aku English OK tapi bila denga khutbah dalam B.I aku jadi langsung tak paham. Ntah ape dier sembang kat depan tu, naik ngantuk aku...
Itulah adik-adik sekalian, bila khutbah dah dibace dalam Bahasa Inggeris, jemaah lain abis tak paham. Termasuk aku ni. Aku tak bantah khutbah dalam English, tapi rasa pelik la. Dah tak paham. Kena bawak kamus ngan thesaurus si Bala minggu depan la jawabnye...
p/s: Kelas Bala denga ade minggu depan...bole la aku gelak sakan lagi...
Aku tetiap minggu akan lepak UNISEL, umah sewa lama aku. Itula rutin aku tetiap ujung minggu. Best gak lepak sini. Ade jugak ko nampak kehijauan rimba kat sini, kalu kat Sentul ko nampak bangunan tinggi menjulang je. Aku pun dok tingkat 11, jadi memang nampak abis la hutan konkrit kat KL tuh. Anyway, cakap pasal solat Jumaat ni...
Aku sampai Masjid UNISEL kul 1.30pm. Baru azan, jadi aku tak lambat (oh yeah!). Masa aku duduk berzikir (nak menipu pun agak-agak la wei), tok khatib pun naik atas mimbar nak start khutbah. Aku pun cuba nak kenal sape tok khatib tapi tak kenal (macam la aku ni selalu gi masjid). Tok khatib pun start baca khutbah...
Aku pada mulanya kehairanan. Adakah aku bermimpi? Tak kot...tapi awat tok khatib bace khutbah dalam English? Aku memang terkejut abis. Si Bala (letcurer English aku) dah brainwash tok khatib UNISEL untuk cakap English ke? Tidak, tidak...
Aku memang pelik gila denga khutbah dalam English. Rasa macam orientasi dulu bila ada sorang mamat ni wat opening speech kat budak-budak baru, haram tak paham. Aku English OK tapi bila denga khutbah dalam B.I aku jadi langsung tak paham. Ntah ape dier sembang kat depan tu, naik ngantuk aku...
Itulah adik-adik sekalian, bila khutbah dah dibace dalam Bahasa Inggeris, jemaah lain abis tak paham. Termasuk aku ni. Aku tak bantah khutbah dalam English, tapi rasa pelik la. Dah tak paham. Kena bawak kamus ngan thesaurus si Bala minggu depan la jawabnye...
p/s: Kelas Bala denga ade minggu depan...bole la aku gelak sakan lagi...
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
My time is meaningless...
Monday, June 29, 2009
Gosh...he's so funny!

OK, let's see...
a) We learn about "high-brow". Know what that means? It means classy. Mr Bala give one example about one women he know that very high-brow. Whatever she do she always do it in style, even eating.
b) He loves badminton. He always wants us to pronounce correctly every English words. He gave very hilarious example on how Indian pronounced "in" and "out" during badminton. So does Kelantanese say it. This is what he said (approximately lah):
You know how Indian pronounced in and out during badminton match? Outte for out and inne for in (please pronounce the italic words with pure Indian accent to obtain the funny part). For Kelantanese lue and dale...Lape semile (lapan sembilan)....
Honestly, I look like an idiot laughing by myself now...jeez...move on...
c) He gave us one idiom with the accompanying sad story. The idiom was "She wrote him Dear John letter". That means broke up with him. He then told a story about Bonnie. He was one handsome man and a lecturer. He had a girlfriend named Mimi. They were very happy together. But one day she wrote him a Dear John letter (you see?). Bonnie ended up being an alcoholic and one day he drop dead on the railroad. Very sad....
d) Mr Bala favourite food is steam fish with ginger. He told us...with tauchu ye...
Well that's it for now folks. Consider yourself unlucky you never meet this incredible lecturer. He teach me English, yet provide me laughter every week. What a great Monday!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Gone too soon...
I knew Michael Jackson since I were a child. His first video that caught my attention was "Ghosts", 40 minutes-plus epic that listed in Guinness World Records for the longest music video. I watched that video over and over and it introduced me to the one of the most influential music icon of all time. His lifestyle never caught my attention and so does his never-ending court problems. His elaborate music videos and infectious music that really put MJ deep inside my heart. No other male artists can change the world like he is. Sure there are more great male legends like Bob Marley and Elvis Presley but they never make us realize what really happening to this world. Try to listen to "Man In The Mirror" and "Earth Song".
I will forever remember today, Friday 26th of June 2009 (Malaysian date) the day Michael Jackson died. Now I think I know how the world felt when Elvis or Bob Marley died. Honestly I still can't believe this ridiculous truth. He will forever remain in my heart as the King Of Pop.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Who are you? Oh, Mr Satis...

I've been in class for almost two weeks now (almost because lecturers keep cancelling classes, duh) and most the lecturers I met introduce themselves to class and vice-versa. But there are exception for two lecturers, Mr Satis and Mr Bala. First, let's start with Mr Satis.
Mr Satis is a lecturer, and of course his duty is teaching. But I don't call his method is teaching. It's more like keeping it to himself rather than sharing it with class. You see, Mr Satis wasn't even introduce himself to class, yet we barely know when he started the class. All I know is that when he typing something and mumbling all alone means that the class has already kicked off. Better get on that train fast. I got on, but mostly lost on where the train is heading. To heaven? Doesn't look like it. I simply say my RM24,000 on this degree is definitely not 100% worth it. More like RM2.40 perhaps...
Mr Bala, hmm...I can say he is my favourite lecturer. I remember he started the class talking like crazy and believe it or not, he never introduce himself either. A few times he mentioned "Mr Bala" during his crazy talk and I say "Oh, his name is Bala". But he suprised me for being vulgar and in-your-face attitude.
He touched a couple of "sensitive" subjects like how non-Muslim prays and mentioning condom as a reference. Shocking, I know but above all, he's a breath of fresh air. Something new, something vulgar. I really want to see him more than once a week. He teach me being vulgar is allowed as long as you have a very concrete reason to be that way.
Way to go Mr Bala. As for Mr Satis, I don't know what to do. I might end up regretting paying him to teach me something I already know. Darn it!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Aku telah kembali...

Malam Khamis aku terus bagitau Syafiq (roomate aku) yang aku akan lepak kat UNISEL dari hari Jumaat sampai Ahad. Dier angguk je. Aku terus pack barang-barang essential yang aku perlukan bila tidur umah orang. Pagi Jumaat bila sume dah blah pegi kelas aku terus amik bas ke Bestari Jaya.
Dalam perjalanan tu memang nostalgik. Aku memang rasa aku ni sebenarnya nak balik umah asal aku, bukan gi umah kengkawan. Yelah, 3+ tahun aku spend kat UNISEL tu. Rasa dah macam umah kedua pulak. Time semayang Jumaat kat masjid UNISEL memang buat aku termenung panjang. Dah lama aku tinggalkan UNISEL ye. Rasa macam semalam aku baru masuk. Emo macam biasa tuan-tuan.
Rumah sewa aku masih macam dulu. Walaupun aku duduk satu semester ja banyak kenangan yang umah tu pegang. Masa aku struggle wat final projek untuk diploma aku memang tempat ni la aku emo, marah, angin etc. Haha, bila terkenang balik memang best UNISEL ni.
Sekarang ni aku tengah lepak kat library UNISEL. Dah tak macam dulu dah tempat ni. Dulu air-con asyik breakdown ja, pastu kemudahan kureng giler. Sekarang ni memang cambest. Rasa macam aku ni masih seorang student UNISEL. Memang langsung tak sedar diri la. Esok aku nak pegi tempat faveret aku masa dok UNISEL ni, iaitu....One Utama!! Geng-geng aku mesti dah dapat teka. Haha...itu je aku tau pun.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Korang tau tak nilai duit?

Aku dengan pantas amik keputusan nak lepak kat kedai buku Times kat Pavilion KL. Yelah nerd macam aku ni nak lepak mana lagi selain kedai buku. Tak kedai buku, aku lepak kedai CD jek. Haha. Anyway....
Aku pun jalan-jalan la area Pavilion Kl tuh. Pergh, aku tengok kiri kanan jadi takut. Bukan takut hantu, tapi takut tengok jenama -jenama yang ada butik kat Pavilion ni. Marc Jacobs, Versace, Prada, Gucci dan paling stylo butik dier Ralph Lauren. Cakap pasal Ralph Lauren, aku ada masuk Parkson lepas tu. Ada designer labels bahagian untuk budak-budak. Puh, budak-budak tak tau apa pun dah dapat pakai designer labels. Gamba kat atas ni salah satu contoh yang mengatakan bertuah badan kalu dapat parents kaya lagi raya. Cuba korang cek price tag kat baju tu. Jenama Ralph Lauren, untuk budak 5+. Baju polo bodo camni pun harga dekat RM350. Duit banyak tu bole wat belanja aku setengah bulan kat KL ni. Huhu, memang ada manusia tak tau nilai duit.
Aku kat sini bukan nak menghentam sesiapa yang kaya boleh belanja duit tanpa fikir. Tapi kebanyakan orang aku kenal tak kaya. Jadi kan best kalu aku kaya. Heheh. Aku dah dok KL ni pun pikir banyak kali nak beli apa-apa. Masa aku kat Pavilion ade gak singgah GSC sana. Aku teringat time aku keja dulu. Best ja tengok movie free. Sekarang ni kena bayar. Dah la Transformers II nak keluar. Cemana la keadaan GSC Queensbay Mall...
Ala nak emo plak...dah-dah...
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