Monday, August 16, 2010

Betul ke kau puasa?

Tup-tup dah bape hari dah ni kita puase. Kau ade rasa nak raya tak? Aku bila dah besa nih tak best dah raya. Yelah, duit raya memang sah tak dapat, pastu nak bukak posa kene la beli sindri, sebab mak dok jauh...(mode sedey di waktu pagi). OK, post kali nie sebab aku nak tanye diri sendiri ngan kau orang yang tengah membaca nehh...kau rasa ko posa ke? Ramai orang ingat yang posa ni just tahan lapa jek, yang lain tetap buat tanpa rasa bersalah.

Macam aku pegi shopping raya semalam (peh awal giler aku gi shopping yer) ade skit fashion show kat Sungei Wang Plaza tuh. Sekali baju dier bikini daaa...Dah tu takkan ko nak tengok sambil tutup mata kot. Aku jujur okeh, takat nak tengok sikit-sikit tu tak payah la. Dier da wat depan mata, aku pun stay la dalam 15 minit (takleh lama-lama, sebab nak bukak posa time tu). Agak-agak bape dah pahala aku lesap? Hahaha, kalu timbang dalam kati mahupun gram adalah teramat sikit la. Camni nak masuk syurga?

Akak tempat keje aku pun macam biase jek. Ade sorang nie kalu main komen takdenye nak tapis-tapis. Sekali klua mau wat hati panas. Bulan posa ke, bulan raya mahupun bulan Deepavali dier tak peduli, komen tetap pedih. Ade sekali tu aku kena komen sebab baju aku, hati da panas, tunggu time je nak fire tapi pikir dier dah tua buat pekak dah la. Tapi itula soalnye, ko puase ade nilai ke?

Cuba korang pikir, bulan posa ni ade korang wat perubahan kat diri korang? Maal Hijrah dah lepas, biler lagi nak berubah? Rutin kite sama ja kan? Takde pun nak kurang ke, macam bertambah lagi ade la.

Lepas baca post ni, kau rasa nak sambung puasa ke? Takde nilai Bedah, gi je bedal lauk pagi tadi bawah tudung saji tuh. Po po po!!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Three's a crowd

Obviously people hate to walk. Admit it, it sucks. Moving your legs back and forth are just not cool. But climbing those endless concrete to heaven a.k.a stairs are the worst. Hold on, perhaps you don't really remember what stairs look like. That beautiful invention was left behind when a magic aluminum/metal (yeah I don't really know the material) called elevator completely erased stairs from people's vocabulary. Your kids certainly know those Up & Down bottom better rather than whose invented the light bulb. Sadly, I've noticed even myself are drawn into extreme laziness when this metal box being put beside my energy consumption. My energy are just too precious for stairs.

I lived in PJ for 4 months and I can almost see the angels when my apartment was on 13th floor (heck, I can see the devils too from there). I remember when both of the elevators did not work, it was an excruciating period. I'm already having a hard time gaining weight, let alone climbing 13 sets of stairs to reach my house. Some people called it exercise, but for me it was a total disaster. Since people don't use it often, the lonely stairs become the place for vomits and trash dumping. Jeez, the journey to my room is no longer a journey to heaven, but more like getting through Buletin Utama with crappy political propaganda before really moving on to worthy news.

But now I live in Shah Alam and the condition is better than in PJ, but the scenario is pretty much the same. People even dare to take the elevator even to 3rd floor, which for me either showcase an extreme allergies to stairs or they just don't know stairs existed. Some of them even brought they motorcycle into the elevator. Wow, I wonder what could be so priceless about those two-wheeled vehicle. It's not new, let alone highly stolen models. Ah, maybe they need to hug their during dreamy hours. But, what about their wives? Heck, all three of them can snuggle each other I think. Three's a crowd rules is definitely not applicable.

But still, for me 7th floor is not that high compared to unlucky number 13 so the conflict about elevator or stairs is well discussed in my head when I reach my apartment. Truthfully, the metal box wins over a set of concrete blocks but we will see when say, a fire breaks in the apartment; which will I choose?

Elevators? Never heard of 'em..