Tup-tup dah bape hari dah ni kita puase. Kau ade rasa nak raya tak? Aku bila dah besa nih tak best dah raya. Yelah, duit raya memang sah tak dapat, pastu nak bukak posa kene la beli sindri, sebab mak dok jauh...(mode sedey di waktu pagi). OK, post kali nie sebab aku nak tanye diri sendiri ngan kau orang yang tengah membaca nehh...kau rasa ko posa ke? Ramai orang ingat yang posa ni just tahan lapa jek, yang lain tetap buat tanpa rasa bersalah.
Macam aku pegi shopping raya semalam (peh awal giler aku gi shopping yer) ade skit fashion show kat Sungei Wang Plaza tuh. Sekali baju dier bikini daaa...Dah tu takkan ko nak tengok sambil tutup mata kot. Aku jujur okeh, takat nak tengok sikit-sikit tu tak payah la. Dier da wat depan mata, aku pun stay la dalam 15 minit (takleh lama-lama, sebab nak bukak posa time tu). Agak-agak bape dah pahala aku lesap? Hahaha, kalu timbang dalam kati mahupun gram adalah teramat sikit la. Camni nak masuk syurga?
Akak tempat keje aku pun macam biase jek. Ade sorang nie kalu main komen takdenye nak tapis-tapis. Sekali klua mau wat hati panas. Bulan posa ke, bulan raya mahupun bulan Deepavali dier tak peduli, komen tetap pedih. Ade sekali tu aku kena komen sebab baju aku, hati da panas, tunggu time je nak fire tapi pikir dier dah tua buat pekak dah la. Tapi itula soalnye, ko puase ade nilai ke?
Cuba korang pikir, bulan posa ni ade korang wat perubahan kat diri korang? Maal Hijrah dah lepas, biler lagi nak berubah? Rutin kite sama ja kan? Takde pun nak kurang ke, macam bertambah lagi ade la.
Lepas baca post ni, kau rasa nak sambung puasa ke? Takde nilai Bedah, gi je bedal lauk pagi tadi bawah tudung saji tuh. Po po po!!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Three's a crowd
Obviously people hate to walk. Admit it, it sucks. Moving your legs back and forth are just not cool. But climbing those endless concrete to heaven a.k.a stairs are the worst. Hold on, perhaps you don't really remember what stairs look like. That beautiful invention was left behind when a magic aluminum/metal (yeah I don't really know the material) called elevator completely erased stairs from people's vocabulary. Your kids certainly know those Up & Down bottom better rather than whose invented the light bulb. Sadly, I've noticed even myself are drawn into extreme laziness when this metal box being put beside my energy consumption. My energy are just too precious for stairs.
I lived in PJ for 4 months and I can almost see the angels when my apartment was on 13th floor (heck, I can see the devils too from there). I remember when both of the elevators did not work, it was an excruciating period. I'm already having a hard time gaining weight, let alone climbing 13 sets of stairs to reach my house. Some people called it exercise, but for me it was a total disaster. Since people don't use it often, the lonely stairs become the place for vomits and trash dumping. Jeez, the journey to my room is no longer a journey to heaven, but more like getting through Buletin Utama with crappy political propaganda before really moving on to worthy news.
But now I live in Shah Alam and the condition is better than in PJ, but the scenario is pretty much the same. People even dare to take the elevator even to 3rd floor, which for me either showcase an extreme allergies to stairs or they just don't know stairs existed. Some of them even brought they motorcycle into the elevator. Wow, I wonder what could be so priceless about those two-wheeled vehicle. It's not new, let alone highly stolen models. Ah, maybe they need to hug their during dreamy hours. But, what about their wives? Heck, all three of them can snuggle each other I think. Three's a crowd rules is definitely not applicable.
But still, for me 7th floor is not that high compared to unlucky number 13 so the conflict about elevator or stairs is well discussed in my head when I reach my apartment. Truthfully, the metal box wins over a set of concrete blocks but we will see when say, a fire breaks in the apartment; which will I choose?
Elevators? Never heard of 'em..
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Hiatus da abis...
10 things you need to know about this author:
a) Full-time smoker dah (thanks keje banyak, stress, debt...aku hargai banyak-banyak)
b) Stay in Shah Alam now (bubye PJ)
c) Keje I.T exec (nama je I.T exec, tapi keje macam I.T manager dah...sume letak atas pale aku)
d) Single trang-tang-tang lagik (ntahla sampai bila)
e) Hard-disk da nak pnoh (download la keja aku...xreti nak benti)
g) Rindu kat Penang
h) Miss wedding kawan lama aku si Ana (aku kat Penang time tu, sorry banyak-banyak)
i) Ada 3 lighter (asyik lupa time klua, rokok bawak tapi lighter takder)
j) Benci Lisa Gan ngan Ler Wei Fong (minah HR ngan Finance kat kompeni aku)
k) Akan update blog more often...
a) Full-time smoker dah (thanks keje banyak, stress, debt...aku hargai banyak-banyak)
b) Stay in Shah Alam now (bubye PJ)
c) Keje I.T exec (nama je I.T exec, tapi keje macam I.T manager dah...sume letak atas pale aku)
d) Single trang-tang-tang lagik (ntahla sampai bila)
e) Hard-disk da nak pnoh (download la keja aku...xreti nak benti)
g) Rindu kat Penang
h) Miss wedding kawan lama aku si Ana (aku kat Penang time tu, sorry banyak-banyak)
i) Ada 3 lighter (asyik lupa time klua, rokok bawak tapi lighter takder)
j) Benci Lisa Gan ngan Ler Wei Fong (minah HR ngan Finance kat kompeni aku)
k) Akan update blog more often...
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Aku rasa dah cukup kot....

Aku ni orang selalu cakap muka aku ni muka baik/innocent. Betul ke? Sebenarnya dari sekolah lagi orang da stat label camtu. Yelah, aku nih tak kelua malam, dok umah je. Pastu rokok tu haram kat umah dulu. Jadi kawan-kawan aku memang gerenti tak ajak aku join pape pun diorang wat sebab aku ni anak mak. Aku training skang ni pun bila orang tengok aku isap rokok suma tanya ko isap rokok ke? Jadi label tu dah default melekat walaupun kat orang yang aku baru kenal. So aku da bosan ngan label tu. I can bad too la weyyyy...so ngan isap rokok ni aku rasa diri aku diterima ngan bebudak laki lain. Bila lepak aku rasa awkward sangat bila sume isap rokok aku je tak. Macam pelik tau. Jadi at least ngan rokok aku ada sumthin in common la...gettiiit??
Tapi logiknya otak aku tau isap rokok ni tak best. Aku rasa tak sedap badan la, mengantuk la, memacam la. Effect dier bukan best pun. Macam haram jadah adalaaaa...lagi satu gadis-gadis mesti da stat pandang serong kat aku. Wahai gadis-gadis sekalian, kau nak ke laki perokok? Tak yah jawab aku pun tau.
Kat atas ni gamba kotak rokok aku baru beli tadi kat 7e. Abis dekat RM10 gak. Bole wat duit makan kan? Tapi aku beli jugak menda haram ni. Adoilaaa...menyesal pun ade nih. Aku selalu pau rokok orang je, takde lagi beli sendiri.
So geng, kawan korang ni dah terpesong skit la. Maafkan aku ye. InsyaAllah aku akan berubah. Sebab rokok ni aku try nak ubah diri aku tapi kalu jadi lagi teruk watpe kan?
Doakan aku bebeh...
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Keta Malaysia jugak cambest....
Aku terus-terang memang tak pandai bawak keta. Aku memang minat keta tapi nak menbawaknya menbuatkan aku pikir panjang sampai aku sendiri give up. Aku sememangnya tak berani nak bawak keta lagi-lagi ada manusia lain yang mempertaruhkan nyawa diorang ngan aku...haha. Lagi satu time drive bapak aku mesti jadi macam coach bolasepak, tak abis-abis komen pastu mengejut bagi arahan. Signal tak bagi la, tak tengok rear view mirror la, last-last aku sendiri naik fed-up. Senang aku naik moto ja, takde orang nak terpekik kat aku.
So bile dah keje nih aku ade la gak pikir nak pakai keta satu hari nanti. Yela, keta tu adalah satu simbol idop ko stabil. Cemane nak ngorat gadis kalu naik moto jek? Haha, gadis mestila nak laki yang stabil idopnye betul? Haa, angguk ye. Tapi nak beli keta ape? Pakcik aku penah cakap, bile ko da ade duit beli keta luar negara macam Toyota ke, Honda ke. Memang aku anggap tu macam cabaran sebab cuma ade 2 orang je pakai keta selain keta Malaysia, pakcik aku lagi satu ngan sepupu aku, Vios ngan Sentra. So target aku nak beli Kia Forte. Keta tu memang lawa. Tapi kan...
Kau ade denga tak Toyota panggil balik hampir 10 juta keta dier sebab macam-macam masalah. Salah satu prob dier pedal minyak bole tersekat kat karpet jadi keta kau tak bole la nak benti, terus je sampai ko langgar pokok atau menda-menda depan kau. Memang thrill kalu aku dapat keta camtu. Cukup time ko jadi serial killer. Gerun? Kau main Grand Theft Auto takde takut pulak ye?
Pastu tadi aku terbaca lagi General Motors (GM) panggey balik 1.3 juta keta sebab steering problem. Cukup 15k batu ko berjalan, steering jadi susah nak kawal, lagi bila bawak slow. Dah lagi satu masalah. Lagi Toyota pun tarik balik keta sebab salur minyak bocor. Aduii...
Ko penah denga kan Proton pun ade gak masalah camni, tapi satu model jela...Gen 2. Tak sampai sebulan ko pakai, dah tercabut itu ini. Tapi tu dulu la, skang takde dah tak salah aku. Jadi, keta luar ni best sangat ke? Ikutkan cuma Toyota jek yang ade masalah major sampai 10 juta keta. Lain-lain tu skit je. Dan sekarang ni aku sedar yang keta Malaysia gak yang best. Murah, pastu takde masalah sangat. Kalu ade keta Toyota skang ni, aku pegi trade in keta Saga SE jek...haha...berangan kau neh...
Ari ni Selasa kan? Esok Rabu...betul la tu...
So bile dah keje nih aku ade la gak pikir nak pakai keta satu hari nanti. Yela, keta tu adalah satu simbol idop ko stabil. Cemane nak ngorat gadis kalu naik moto jek? Haha, gadis mestila nak laki yang stabil idopnye betul? Haa, angguk ye. Tapi nak beli keta ape? Pakcik aku penah cakap, bile ko da ade duit beli keta luar negara macam Toyota ke, Honda ke. Memang aku anggap tu macam cabaran sebab cuma ade 2 orang je pakai keta selain keta Malaysia, pakcik aku lagi satu ngan sepupu aku, Vios ngan Sentra. So target aku nak beli Kia Forte. Keta tu memang lawa. Tapi kan...
Kau ade denga tak Toyota panggil balik hampir 10 juta keta dier sebab macam-macam masalah. Salah satu prob dier pedal minyak bole tersekat kat karpet jadi keta kau tak bole la nak benti, terus je sampai ko langgar pokok atau menda-menda depan kau. Memang thrill kalu aku dapat keta camtu. Cukup time ko jadi serial killer. Gerun? Kau main Grand Theft Auto takde takut pulak ye?
Pastu tadi aku terbaca lagi General Motors (GM) panggey balik 1.3 juta keta sebab steering problem. Cukup 15k batu ko berjalan, steering jadi susah nak kawal, lagi bila bawak slow. Dah lagi satu masalah. Lagi Toyota pun tarik balik keta sebab salur minyak bocor. Aduii...
Ko penah denga kan Proton pun ade gak masalah camni, tapi satu model jela...Gen 2. Tak sampai sebulan ko pakai, dah tercabut itu ini. Tapi tu dulu la, skang takde dah tak salah aku. Jadi, keta luar ni best sangat ke? Ikutkan cuma Toyota jek yang ade masalah major sampai 10 juta keta. Lain-lain tu skit je. Dan sekarang ni aku sedar yang keta Malaysia gak yang best. Murah, pastu takde masalah sangat. Kalu ade keta Toyota skang ni, aku pegi trade in keta Saga SE jek...haha...berangan kau neh...
Ari ni Selasa kan? Esok Rabu...betul la tu...
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Buat malu kaum Hawa jek...
Tahun lepas aku ade gak experience sorang betina gatai gila lagi desperate nak kat aku. Tapi agak-agakla la wei, jumpa tak penah, pastu gamba haram tak penah bagi. Ingat aku ni bole ke kapel buta camtu? Last-last jumpa gak profile dier kat Frenster. Patutla pemalu, badan macam tong dram, pastu perangai macam setan. Dah aku tak mau kat dia pi kaco pulak boyfren kawan aku. Yang si jantan ni pulak gatai jugak, pi layan si tong dram ni. Kalu gaduh kena tindih trus leper aku cakap. Haha.
Aku ade terjumpa blog betina ni kat Internet. Orang dah tuka pi Blogspot dia pun sebok nak ikut. Post terbaru dier cakap camni...ehem...quote...
(Mood~menyampah sangat dengan perempuan-perempuan murahan yang maki hamun bila kita call boyfriend mereka.)
Apa bodo sangat badak ooi? Dah hang pi kacau boyfren orang sapa soh?? Ingat girlfren depa tu tunggul kayu nak biar steamroll macam hang amik boyfren depa?? Hang tu yang murahan, gedik kat laki orang. Tak sedar diri...pastu ending blog dier...
So, kalau kamu rasa boyfriend kamu tu memang BAIK, sila fikirkan semula.
p/s: sejak bila I pandai buat double meaning ni? Wah! Bangga ^___^
Bangga ye dapat rosakkan relationship orang lain? Syabas, Akhirat kelak sila ingat ye nama pompuan-pompuan yang hang dah rosakkan rumahtangga depa. Di Padang Mashyar yang luas tu nanti hang kena mintak ampun ngan depa. Kalu dah kemaruk nak berlaki pegi la Lorong Haji Taib hulur faraj kau. Bagi diorang terjah. Dah kembung perut cari memana pak turut, jadi laki hang. Pastu bolela kau menarik nafas lega, satu tugas dah lepas. Next!!
Ape ek, oh nak dapat MyVi SE ye...ape susah pak turut ade kan....
Thursday, February 18, 2010
I'm tired...shouldn't you?
After it conquered the world and becomes the pop culture phenomenon. For me just after 3-4 years watching it, it was getting lamer each year. I was asking myself, this is just a shortcut way to be famous. When a lot of talents pops at the same time, it's overwhelming. Plus, their music doesn't really fresh or great. Take Kris Allen for instance, he decided to cover The Script's Live Like We're Dying. The song never really convinced me he is the winner of AI. What about Taylor Hicks? Dropped by his label when his album never really took off. When season 9 debuted on TV weeks ago, still a lot of talents wanna make it big with this shortcut. I am a music fan and know that AI or any talent shows these days is not really a golden ticket to success.
Not just in US, but here in Malaysia as well winning talent show or be in a talent show does not really put you in the entertainment map. It's bullshit. Take Mawi for instance. When his life went public, I can see his face annoyed when been bombarded with questions. Then, where is he? I dunno. Then there's Daniel, won the Malaysian Idol and gone like the wind. But come to think of it, Mr. Simon Cowell is the one who's smiling when ratings go up every year. You see,
Ratings = millions of moolah.
But people still go crazy over those talent shows. Why? You never really support them right? I had an argument with my friends when I said that they never really support the artist they like, especially local acts. They never bought their albums, never attended their gigs and just by downloading songs FREE of the Net, it is considered support to them. Hell no. I know that I don't listen to Malay songs, but at least I don't download their songs off the Internet. For me if they are good, I will support them in proper way. Not just by mouth, but with action as well. Buy their CDs, attending gigs etc.
So the conclusion is, I am tired with all those shows. The talents on the show is just wasted overnight because when the new season coming, we can' even remember the last season winner, save the contestants. And if you love the music that the artists make, please support them in a good way. In a way that they can benefit from. I stopped watching Idol 4 years ago, just the audition shows amuses me, everytime.
That's talent. Stupid talent that is...
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
I never know how it feels like...
I have lost my stuff in the past. Keys, money, you name it. In fact my rims been stolen 2 weeks ago, and it doesn't feel good. The first thing that pop-up in my head was "Why me?". It was hard to believe because hours before it was there. Then boom! it's gone. I am sucker in letting things go. Never my best forte. First when losing stuff, I will mad at myself. Then I'll mad at the person who took it away. Lastly I try to move on with those two things still clinging in my head. Hard it is.
When I heard that one of my childhood friends lost her mother recently, I was speechless. I can't really imagine what will happen to me if that occurred to myself. Look everyone, we can only have one mum (biological mum that is) in a lifetime. And still they can be gone the next day.
I was mad at my mum when I was young. I am a kid and never really listen to what they would say. I was rebellious. When I want certain things and she said no, I will throw tantrums. Once I even think about running away from home because I think when they say no to me meaning that they never really love me. I think they would say yes if they love me, everytime. But when I am old enough to understand, I feel sorry for my parents. My attitude wasn't really helping. I truly understand when I looked at my birth certificate says that my father worked as a fisherman. How much a fisherman make these days? Not much. So when I look at my younger brothers, I say "how lucky they are" because they didn't experience life like I did. They can have whatever they want without even trying. My mum just spent nearly 2k to get my brother a laptop. When I was in college, I have to use a 5 year old desktop. How unfair.
But now my parents especially my mum is definitely precious. I am living in KL now and even though they are miles away, I call them everyday. I call them just to remind them they still have a son who lives far away and still they are locked deep in his heart.
To Fauziah a.k.a Ojah, my cousin and also my childhood friend, I feel sorry for your lost. Just remember she has gone to a better place and live must go on. Never ever feel alone because your family and friends are with you along the way. Be strong. She is looking at you from above, smiling that her daughter is able to continue this life without her.
I never know how hard is it for you to swallow it but we all will experience the same thing....losing our love one...
When I heard that one of my childhood friends lost her mother recently, I was speechless. I can't really imagine what will happen to me if that occurred to myself. Look everyone, we can only have one mum (biological mum that is) in a lifetime. And still they can be gone the next day.
I was mad at my mum when I was young. I am a kid and never really listen to what they would say. I was rebellious. When I want certain things and she said no, I will throw tantrums. Once I even think about running away from home because I think when they say no to me meaning that they never really love me. I think they would say yes if they love me, everytime. But when I am old enough to understand, I feel sorry for my parents. My attitude wasn't really helping. I truly understand when I looked at my birth certificate says that my father worked as a fisherman. How much a fisherman make these days? Not much. So when I look at my younger brothers, I say "how lucky they are" because they didn't experience life like I did. They can have whatever they want without even trying. My mum just spent nearly 2k to get my brother a laptop. When I was in college, I have to use a 5 year old desktop. How unfair.
But now my parents especially my mum is definitely precious. I am living in KL now and even though they are miles away, I call them everyday. I call them just to remind them they still have a son who lives far away and still they are locked deep in his heart.
To Fauziah a.k.a Ojah, my cousin and also my childhood friend, I feel sorry for your lost. Just remember she has gone to a better place and live must go on. Never ever feel alone because your family and friends are with you along the way. Be strong. She is looking at you from above, smiling that her daughter is able to continue this life without her.
I never know how hard is it for you to swallow it but we all will experience the same thing....losing our love one...
Monday, February 15, 2010
Sori dik...hari ni Sabtu, tak gheti-gheti lagi?

OKla, memang aku faham sangat nape diorang ni kedekut nak mampos untuk kasi satu beg plastik pun. Beg plastik ni susah nak kene lupus. Satu je beg plastik amik masa 100 tahun untuk lupus. Kau pun belum tentu hidup sampai 100 tahun kan? Tapi la kan, ade satu mende aku nak share ngan korang.
Macam biasala, klik gamba sebelah kiri ni. Tengok bebetul. Ni resit satu hyperstore i.e besaaaa punyeee!!! kat Selangor ni. (Note: Name of the store has been erased to avoid any lawsuit against me, I got no lawyer y'all). Korang bole nampak yang aku beli satu barang je tapi resit kasi aku sampai 8 inci. Ni memang resit paling panjang aku penah dapat untuk 1 barang. Kedai buku B****** pemenang kedua bagi resit panjang giler. Aku pegi beli barang hari Sabtu jadi memang sah la takde plastik tapi nape resit dier panjang berjela? Aku bace resit tu memang penuh ngan info yang tak perlu macam Harge kami bla bla harga pesaing bla bla...tu je dah amik dekat 2 inci. Cakap nak save environment, tapi gune ketas macam nak rak. Tak ke korang rasa hypermarket ni tetap membazir sumber alam? Apedaaa...
Aku penah tengok kat Midvalley (yes y'all, kedai ni ade gak kat Midvalley...hint2) orang shopping barang groceries macam esok nak kiamat jadi korang bole la agak kan bape panjang resit dier dapat + info tak perlu. Aku estimate paling panjang aku tengok dalam 2-3 meter untuk resit je. Perghh, memang pokok tak bole nak selamat la.
Jadi y'all, kalu bole bawakla beg sendiri gi shopping. Pastu gi kedai yang tak bazirkan resource. Lagipun hypermarket ni bukan murah sangat pun. Aku lagi suka pegi Tesco. Eh, ade advertisement pulak. Tesco tak baya aku ye. Pree ad je ni, dan lagi barang dier memang murah skit.
To Qas, please do contact me. Pronto.
Happy weekdays!!
Friday, February 5, 2010
Can I f*** you today? Erm, jap nak pikir....
I can't believe my eyes when I read the controversial stories regarding sodomy charges of you-know-who. The first day filled with HUGE bombshells from you-know-who's-been-sodomized. But honestly, this is where public media can't really hide the exact phrase that you-know-who's-been-sodomized said.
Adiela yang kini berada di U.K sila rojok akhbar di Tenet ye...I'm just worried you probably lost right now...hehe...
It's really freaking me out to write about this entry since the police probably a loyal follower of my blog.
Dah cukup takat ni...takut aku...
(Nama telah ditapis bagi mengelakkan aku you-know-what-will-happen)
Adiela yang kini berada di U.K sila rojok akhbar di Tenet ye...I'm just worried you probably lost right now...hehe...
It's really freaking me out to write about this entry since the police probably a loyal follower of my blog.
Dah cukup takat ni...takut aku...
(Nama telah ditapis bagi mengelakkan aku you-know-what-will-happen)
Monday, February 1, 2010
Ade telepon canggih, sekodeng la...

Jangan coba nak cakap kalu laki jaga toilet pompuan kang kene sekodeng pompuan-pompuan yang gune toilet tu. Aku nak kencing pun segan kalu akak cleaner tu selamba mop tepi aku. Mane tau akak tu cuci mata ke, atau ade hidden kamera ke, mau jadi bahan porno kat Tenet. Tapi itula yang menjadi persoalan, gadis cuci toilet laki, sedangkan laki pun ade malu jugak. Dah la bowl kucil tu besa lagi terbuka, kalu laki sama laki tak kisah la, ni ade pompuan pulak. Segan beb.

Aku memang bergantung kat papan tanda kalu nak pegi memana pun. Yelah Google Map pun kekadang tak bole harap. Arahan susah nak paham, pastu jalan sume nak lalu highway je. Kopak la aku. Pegi sana-sini pastu nak hulur duit kat akak tol pulak. Huii, baik aku cari sendiri. Tapi papan tanda punye pasal, duit tetap kene hulur, kat kaunter stesen minyak...asyik sesat je...
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Mohon maaf...
Aku mohon maaf sebab manalah tau post aku ni menghentam sesiapa. Tapi memang aku nak komplen tentang beberapa isu:
a) Tukang bawak teksi kat KL ni memang takde adab ye? Main tuka lorong takde pulak nak bagi signal kiri kanan. Pastu nak bawak laju manjang macam nak kejar bola dari masuk gol sendiri. Tau la korang tau jalan satu KL ni, tak bermakna signal korang tu dah takde makna kat manusia lain. Kalu aku eksiden dek korang gila makan jalan tau la nasib korang. Warning!!
b) Aku ni selalu sesat. Minggu lepas pegi interview terjah Google Map jap nak tengok jalan mane aku patot amik. Tapi arahan dier amatla sengal. Orang panggil New Klang Village Expressway a.k.a NKVE tapi dier tulih Melayu plak jadi aku konfius. Arahan dalam English tapi part tu dia tulih Melayu pehal? Jenuh aku mencari Lebuhraya Baru Lembah Klang...tulih NKVE suda...
c) Line Celcom wat sial plak 2-3 ari ni. Nak call takleh, nak pakai 3G wat tenet pun takleh. Hadui, dah naik gila aku tak tau apa nak dibikin. Nak cek Facebook pun pakai henpon apa barang? Kecik adoyai...sakit mato den...haa dah cakap Negori nih, memang sah nak gila...
d) Interview dah pegi, bile diorang nak call amik aku keje? Tak tertahan aku menunggu ni...
Tu je aku nak komplen, ko ape citer plak Bedah?? Cepat aku nak denga pulak...
a) Tukang bawak teksi kat KL ni memang takde adab ye? Main tuka lorong takde pulak nak bagi signal kiri kanan. Pastu nak bawak laju manjang macam nak kejar bola dari masuk gol sendiri. Tau la korang tau jalan satu KL ni, tak bermakna signal korang tu dah takde makna kat manusia lain. Kalu aku eksiden dek korang gila makan jalan tau la nasib korang. Warning!!
b) Aku ni selalu sesat. Minggu lepas pegi interview terjah Google Map jap nak tengok jalan mane aku patot amik. Tapi arahan dier amatla sengal. Orang panggil New Klang Village Expressway a.k.a NKVE tapi dier tulih Melayu plak jadi aku konfius. Arahan dalam English tapi part tu dia tulih Melayu pehal? Jenuh aku mencari Lebuhraya Baru Lembah Klang...tulih NKVE suda...
c) Line Celcom wat sial plak 2-3 ari ni. Nak call takleh, nak pakai 3G wat tenet pun takleh. Hadui, dah naik gila aku tak tau apa nak dibikin. Nak cek Facebook pun pakai henpon apa barang? Kecik adoyai...sakit mato den...haa dah cakap Negori nih, memang sah nak gila...
d) Interview dah pegi, bile diorang nak call amik aku keje? Tak tertahan aku menunggu ni...
Tu je aku nak komplen, ko ape citer plak Bedah?? Cepat aku nak denga pulak...
Sunday, January 10, 2010
I don't watch news...what happened darl?
Wow, churches being attacked. If people involved there will be real-life MMOPRG. Half-Life in real life!!! Awesome. Nevertheless, I don't think it's necessary to fill anything for you. The single word can cause chaos in the entire nation. Bizarre. You wanna know what I think about all these silly incidents? Hear this...
Maybe 13th May 1969 will happen again. Who knows, with this kind of tension and so many extremists running around somebody might end up dead. But it is such irony when we are heading towards 2020, the year deemed to be advanced by Tun Dr. Mahathir. We are going backwards everyone. Violence seems to be the only way to solve problems. But hey everybody doing it. George W. Bush said so. Osama said so. It's a fashion really. In vogue, gracefully.
But being vogue doesn't mean you have to be stupid all the way. Only idiots would commit such barbarian acts. Those churches did not publish the newspaper contains that word. None of the priests nor follower published it. Why should they pay the high price? But still, words can be a deadly weapon or a powerful peace baton. Why don't we educated Muslims do the latter?
This is a disease that we have to cure, pronto. Taking it too much and put rational aside can destroy this nation. Brain supposed to be working to solve this issue. But looks like it's on the OFF mode for now. But wait...perhaps it's never gonna turn back on. Remember Beyoncé concert? Never happened...
For uneducated Muslims, please go educate yourself on how to stand up for our religion. Perhaps you never understood any of the content of our Holy al-Quran. You giving us a bad name over here. Other religion will think Islam is violence and overly sensitive. Don't you think it will cause long-term problems? Oh wait, you can't really think, can you?
This can be solved with discussion and understanding. If the court decide it's legal, then try other approach. Mind that the Arabic word is commonly used by Christians to describe God in such countries as Egypt, Syria and Indonesia, the world's largest Muslim nation. So if they can tolerate, why can't us? I must say I'm not agree with the word can be used freely but still if others can settle everything without violence involved then why must we?
This is why I hate watching news or reading newspapers. It makes me sick and worried about our very small nation. I think I should worry about my myself. Let them settle it.
Politicians that is...where art thou? It's your job bebeh!!!!
Maybe 13th May 1969 will happen again. Who knows, with this kind of tension and so many extremists running around somebody might end up dead. But it is such irony when we are heading towards 2020, the year deemed to be advanced by Tun Dr. Mahathir. We are going backwards everyone. Violence seems to be the only way to solve problems. But hey everybody doing it. George W. Bush said so. Osama said so. It's a fashion really. In vogue, gracefully.
But being vogue doesn't mean you have to be stupid all the way. Only idiots would commit such barbarian acts. Those churches did not publish the newspaper contains that word. None of the priests nor follower published it. Why should they pay the high price? But still, words can be a deadly weapon or a powerful peace baton. Why don't we educated Muslims do the latter?
This is a disease that we have to cure, pronto. Taking it too much and put rational aside can destroy this nation. Brain supposed to be working to solve this issue. But looks like it's on the OFF mode for now. But wait...perhaps it's never gonna turn back on. Remember Beyoncé concert? Never happened...
For uneducated Muslims, please go educate yourself on how to stand up for our religion. Perhaps you never understood any of the content of our Holy al-Quran. You giving us a bad name over here. Other religion will think Islam is violence and overly sensitive. Don't you think it will cause long-term problems? Oh wait, you can't really think, can you?
This can be solved with discussion and understanding. If the court decide it's legal, then try other approach. Mind that the Arabic word is commonly used by Christians to describe God in such countries as Egypt, Syria and Indonesia, the world's largest Muslim nation. So if they can tolerate, why can't us? I must say I'm not agree with the word can be used freely but still if others can settle everything without violence involved then why must we?
This is why I hate watching news or reading newspapers. It makes me sick and worried about our very small nation. I think I should worry about my myself. Let them settle it.
Politicians that is...where art thou? It's your job bebeh!!!!
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