Aku sebelum ni ade wat review album sebab macam korang tau la aku ni kan tokey lagu (haha). Review album sebelum ni aku wat kat Frenster tapi memandangkan Frenster dah tak hot macam dulu jadi aku pun wat la blog kedua untuk tujuan murni (eceh) ni. Harap korang follow la ye. Kalu korang nak aku review pape album bagitau le...tapi make sure English or Spanish jek...
Alamatnye: http://musictheoneandonly.blogspot.com/
Anyway aku dah sihat balik. Still planning bila nak pegi beli baju raya. Haha, segan siot baru nak pegi beli....
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
You want it?
Raya definitely not going well for me. In addition to my eyes, I got food poisoning on the 3rd Raya. Fascinating doesn't it? After countless toilet visits, it's finally getting better today. I even can't join my friends Raya tour this year which happen yesterday. I'm gonna stop asking why this shitty things keep on coming. Just redha jelah....
Well last night one of my friends was kind enough to send me this text. I think it's nasty, yet hilarious.
Kalau ada perselisihan faham, ajaklah BERMUZAKARAH
Kalau gagal cuba pula BERMUSYAWARAH
Dan jika masih gagal tanya MAUZAKARKAH?
You be the judge. The end.
Well last night one of my friends was kind enough to send me this text. I think it's nasty, yet hilarious.
Kalau ada perselisihan faham, ajaklah BERMUZAKARAH
Kalau gagal cuba pula BERMUSYAWARAH
Dan jika masih gagal tanya MAUZAKARKAH?
You be the judge. The end.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Let's see what you got....don't be shy...

All I know now is that everybody's asleep but I'm wide awake. It's 3.21 am (Adiela in UK adjust your clock now, hehe). I just watched CNBC and there was this show called The Suze Orman Show and it's probably the second show I'm gonna watch on CNBC (along with Conan O'Brien Show) and it was awesome!! It's about money guys...and it was a slap to my face. Ouch. Dah la sakit mata nih...kena lempang plak...well not literally I mean...
The Suze Orman Show involves around money matters and start nodding now guys, money has always been an issue. Some of us say no, it's never an issue. But still, it is true? Open your wallet and tell me it is a freaking problem. Well let's see...I got RM300 in cash and RM91 in bank account. Plus I got over RM21,000 in debt for two pieces of paper called diploma. I'm unemployed and still alive. A miracle? Not quite...
This post is actually try to make you realize how much you are in debt. Most of us especially students tend to forget they have to pay back each and every penny that they loaned and on top of that, interest. PTPTN is sure love to give but yes, it's also love to accept, even MORE!! So my friends who are loaning, please think before you make that purchase. Myself always wants something new (like right now, I'm dreaming of the new iPod Nano, sexy siott!!) and I know I cannot afford it. So what's the solution?
Start by shaking yourself to wake up from this financial dreams. We are not rich people!! Stop spending for something you cannot afford or even need. We need to educate ourselves about money. Right now I started reading Donald Trump's Why We Want You To Be Rich. I wanna be rich. I know you do, too. At the present time try to be thankful for what you have, like me for my 3 years old 6GB Creative ZEN mp3 player. It is sooo outdated (it was released back in 2004) and it has gone a period what we call "nyanyok already". A few glitches here and there but until it's dead, no new MP3 for me. It's sad truth but that's The Ugly Truth (oh the film is soo good...in theaters now).
So instead of 3D or digital 2D version of a movie, try the retro 35mm movies. I know who you are, who loves 3D movies. Perhaps it's time we all ask ourselves, is this a need or want? Or between Gold Class, Premiere Class or classless?
You go figure. If all else fails, try ask your wallet. It will surely nodding in agreement that you are certainly broke...
p/s: Congrats for Madonna with her new single Celebration entered at #3 in UK!! It is her 60th Top 40 entry in the country!! So Adiela, beli kat aku CD single tuh...hehehe...
Thursday, September 17, 2009
No not yet...
For all my frens, I'm not yet into Raya mode since I haven't got my baju Raya etc (but I bantai Raya cookies already). So no Raya e-cards or greetings just yet.
Perhaps in the next few days...hang in there...
Perhaps in the next few days...hang in there...
It's silly I know...
Spoiler alert: To all my friends from KLMU, please don't take this post seriously. I'm just expressing something about KLMU and I believe in freedom of speech. Please take this as an opinion. Thank you.
Dah macam Parental Advisory dah ni...move along then...
Two days ago I received a call from KL which from the first two numbers and I figured out perhaps KLMU finally gave me a call to claim something from me. When I saw that 03 number, I thought what am I gonna tell them. Anything BS would do I guess...
It's true, a lady from KLMU was on the other side of the line. But the case was different, here's the line from her:
I was confused. Two reasons why. First, why this girl calling me with an offer of a study opportunity? How come she didn't know that I was a student there? Imagine if I'm still a KLMU student, if she gave me a call it would be stupid if she offered me the offer since I already a student there. Now you can see how clueless and silly their administration are. The evil and all-about-commission Marketing Department have no idea about the existing student. Now I know every department there have no communication with each other. They just bother about themselves. No wonder I struggled there.
Second, how long does it gonna take for them to notice that I quit from there? I guess it would be eternity, since one of my amigo quit Cosmopoint (a division of KLMU) and almost a year now he never received a call from them. Wow, now you can see how troublesome they are. They don't even know what they're doing. They don't care about the students...just money makes their world go round...
I studied in UNISEL before and I thought UNISEL sucks to the bone. But it's such an eye opener when KLMU defeated UNISEL to claim the worst IPT I've been. Hands down. Now the lesson for me would be if you think the situation you've been is a deep shithole, there are other more deeper and even worse shithole than yours.
For my friends, please bear with them. I know you guys can pull this off. Finish what you started, which I have failed to do. Finish it for me guys. Get your money worth and never let them rip you off.
Your money do not grow on trees, you know it's true.
Dah macam Parental Advisory dah ni...move along then...
Two days ago I received a call from KL which from the first two numbers and I figured out perhaps KLMU finally gave me a call to claim something from me. When I saw that 03 number, I thought what am I gonna tell them. Anything BS would do I guess...
It's true, a lady from KLMU was on the other side of the line. But the case was different, here's the line from her:
Saya (somebody's daughter) daripada KLMU nak menawarkan peluang belajar sambil bekerja bla bla bla...
I was confused. Two reasons why. First, why this girl calling me with an offer of a study opportunity? How come she didn't know that I was a student there? Imagine if I'm still a KLMU student, if she gave me a call it would be stupid if she offered me the offer since I already a student there. Now you can see how clueless and silly their administration are. The evil and all-about-commission Marketing Department have no idea about the existing student. Now I know every department there have no communication with each other. They just bother about themselves. No wonder I struggled there.
Second, how long does it gonna take for them to notice that I quit from there? I guess it would be eternity, since one of my amigo quit Cosmopoint (a division of KLMU) and almost a year now he never received a call from them. Wow, now you can see how troublesome they are. They don't even know what they're doing. They don't care about the students...just money makes their world go round...
I studied in UNISEL before and I thought UNISEL sucks to the bone. But it's such an eye opener when KLMU defeated UNISEL to claim the worst IPT I've been. Hands down. Now the lesson for me would be if you think the situation you've been is a deep shithole, there are other more deeper and even worse shithole than yours.
For my friends, please bear with them. I know you guys can pull this off. Finish what you started, which I have failed to do. Finish it for me guys. Get your money worth and never let them rip you off.
Your money do not grow on trees, you know it's true.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
I'm sorry amma...

Oh damn. Beli already...don't want to membazir...
For me I need more food. The satisfaction over a plate of rice never make me full. Well actually it's lust that makes me feel that way (baik punye alasan). Sure there are 7 deadly sins and in this holy Ramadhan month I committed one deadly sin. MasyaAllah...so how much you guys eat everyday? Don't say you're on diet, tak baik tipu. Forget the fact that your wish is to lose weight. It's never gonna happen. With foods everywhere your stomach is the main controller of your brain. I remember when I'm in KL I always think that one dish is definitely show that you are stingy. Come on, almost 13-14 hours without food you think logically you can be full with just one dish? But after buka puasa, I know that's not true. Most human know when to stop eating. I'm one of them, but after a couple of hours I'm back in the kitchen. Eating. Ish ish...
The pic showing that I bantai my mom Raya cookies way before raya. Psst...my mom have no idea 'bout this. How can I resist that insatiable round shape? The chocolate rice on top of it? Ish, it's impossible. Aiyo, that's why la I can never lose weight (even though I never intended to). So amma, this raya day please forgive me for bantai-ing your cookies. How to susun ayat la?
Probably I should send her a Raya card. That will cool her down.
If not my head is on the chopping block...
Hepi?? Anniversary...
Tadi pagi aku pegi interview keja untuk Telekom. Posisi apa? Customer Service. Aku ni terus-terang dah naik bosan ngan terma tu. Bukan apa, kalu nak diikutkan aku dah tak suka melayan kerenah orang. Masa kat GSC dulu korang taulah memang macam-macam kerenah aku dah jumpa. Hati aku bukan keras macam granit, terguris dan tercalar tu dah selalu. Takkan aku nak tahan lagi ngan perangai manusia yang macam sial kalu aku dapat keja ni? Sebenarnya aku pun bukan apply keja ni, masa aku sehari sampai Penang agensi keja tipon aku untuk interview keja Telekom ni. Kalu ikut logik tak kuasa aku nak apply lagi keja yang paling susah ni....
Bagi sesapa yang langsung tak penah rasa keja area Customer Service korang janganla salah anggap yang keja ni senang. Bagi aku ni la keja paling mencabar dalam dunia ni. Korang yang keja ofis memang manja (erm sapa tu?). Keja ngan PC, printer dan sekali-sekala bergosip ngan teman sepejabat takkan dapat menandingi susah keja ngan orang ramai. Kena ugut, maki-hamun, jerkah, kena tuduh biadap tu memang selalu la aku kena. Sebab tu la keja camni la senang dapat, sebab takda orang nak keja camni. Dahla tu, gaji pulak ciput. Tak berbaloi ngan maki hamun yang aku kena hampir tetiap hari. Sebelum ni ada jugak aku terfikir nak apply Assistant Manager kat GSC tu tapi macam aku cakap tadi, hati aku bukan macam batu granit. Apa saja orang maki aku mesti turun sampai hati. Sakit tak tau nak kata.
So sekarang ni aku cuma berdoa kalu dapat keja ni mungkin aku akan tolak. Aku tau keadaan agak sempit sekarang ni tapi ini melibatkan menda yang aku akan wat bertahun-tahun yang akan datang. Takut nanti tak sampai 10 tahun aku keja dah masuk wad gila. Takmo beb camtu. Walaupun aku rasa aku agak ketinggalan tapi perjalanan hidup masih jauh lagi. Masih ada masa untuk menentukan apa yang aku nak. Keja ngan mesin atau PC tak susah sebab menda-menda tu takleh nak maki hamun kita, jadi kita yang selalunya maki menda-menda ni kan? Hahaha...
Anyway sad anniversary untuk 9/11. Tu ja.
Bagi sesapa yang langsung tak penah rasa keja area Customer Service korang janganla salah anggap yang keja ni senang. Bagi aku ni la keja paling mencabar dalam dunia ni. Korang yang keja ofis memang manja (erm sapa tu?). Keja ngan PC, printer dan sekali-sekala bergosip ngan teman sepejabat takkan dapat menandingi susah keja ngan orang ramai. Kena ugut, maki-hamun, jerkah, kena tuduh biadap tu memang selalu la aku kena. Sebab tu la keja camni la senang dapat, sebab takda orang nak keja camni. Dahla tu, gaji pulak ciput. Tak berbaloi ngan maki hamun yang aku kena hampir tetiap hari. Sebelum ni ada jugak aku terfikir nak apply Assistant Manager kat GSC tu tapi macam aku cakap tadi, hati aku bukan macam batu granit. Apa saja orang maki aku mesti turun sampai hati. Sakit tak tau nak kata.
So sekarang ni aku cuma berdoa kalu dapat keja ni mungkin aku akan tolak. Aku tau keadaan agak sempit sekarang ni tapi ini melibatkan menda yang aku akan wat bertahun-tahun yang akan datang. Takut nanti tak sampai 10 tahun aku keja dah masuk wad gila. Takmo beb camtu. Walaupun aku rasa aku agak ketinggalan tapi perjalanan hidup masih jauh lagi. Masih ada masa untuk menentukan apa yang aku nak. Keja ngan mesin atau PC tak susah sebab menda-menda tu takleh nak maki hamun kita, jadi kita yang selalunya maki menda-menda ni kan? Hahaha...
Anyway sad anniversary untuk 9/11. Tu ja.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Argh...sentimental betoi la...
Aku dah dekat seminggu balik Penang tapi beg baju aku langsung tak sentuh. Pehal? Bukanlah aku ni seorang yang pemalas (yelah tu) tapi cuma aku cuma sikit sedih sebab beg besar tu la menda pertama aku bungkus masa blah dari KL. Tak ke korang tau apa aku rasa? Huih, jangan cakap la pasal sedih. Buddies aku macam si Fadzil, Merul, budak-budak umah Tun sume sedey aku blah. Aku macam tak tau cemana nak respon kat diorang ni. Sebab tu aku blah camtu ja, kalu tak nak explain kat sorang-sorang memang la takkan abes. Tapi aku tetap bagitau kenapa aku blah, which is aku takleh nak elak. Bapak aku nak keja brenti keja, jadi kalu aku blaja tak ke pentingkan diri namanya tu? Aku takmo tengok parents aku struggle nak support aku time blaja. Takmo.
Sekarang ni life cam takda kemajuan. Masih kat situ gak. Nak keja kat GSC balik dah segan. Ramai kawan-kawan aku dah teruskan kehidupan. Cuma aku yang dok ketinggalan. Masa ni la aku rasa perit sebab aku takleh nak wat degree dah. Aku cuma ada sekeping diploma (eh, sorry 2 keping sebab ada BM satu BI satu) dan degree tu mungkin aku takkan ada. Buddy aku Si Qasieh mesti tau cemana rasanya jadi college dropout. Kita geng Qas!! Haha.
Aku dah try cari kerja leklok skit. Ada la satu dua panggilan interview. Harap-harap melekat la keja kali ni. Memang aku miss KL sekarang ni. Geng-geng KLMU suma aku rindu, harap dapat jumpa hangpa lagi kalu ada rezeki. Dah ada peluang ni stadi leklok. Kalu tak memang korang tak bersyukur. Kan? Hoho...jangan ponteng posa gak. Mak marah weh...
OKla tu ja luahan hati sedih aku ni. Nak prepare untuk interview keja plak. Dok praktis cakap sorang-sorang depan cermin macam orang hilang akal. Tipikal la...
p/s: Check out my new hair!! Mahai aku wat weiii...
Sekarang ni life cam takda kemajuan. Masih kat situ gak. Nak keja kat GSC balik dah segan. Ramai kawan-kawan aku dah teruskan kehidupan. Cuma aku yang dok ketinggalan. Masa ni la aku rasa perit sebab aku takleh nak wat degree dah. Aku cuma ada sekeping diploma (eh, sorry 2 keping sebab ada BM satu BI satu) dan degree tu mungkin aku takkan ada. Buddy aku Si Qasieh mesti tau cemana rasanya jadi college dropout. Kita geng Qas!! Haha.
Aku dah try cari kerja leklok skit. Ada la satu dua panggilan interview. Harap-harap melekat la keja kali ni. Memang aku miss KL sekarang ni. Geng-geng KLMU suma aku rindu, harap dapat jumpa hangpa lagi kalu ada rezeki. Dah ada peluang ni stadi leklok. Kalu tak memang korang tak bersyukur. Kan? Hoho...jangan ponteng posa gak. Mak marah weh...
OKla tu ja luahan hati sedih aku ni. Nak prepare untuk interview keja plak. Dok praktis cakap sorang-sorang depan cermin macam orang hilang akal. Tipikal la...
p/s: Check out my new hair!! Mahai aku wat weiii...
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Death in 3D? Yummy...

OK the cat is out of the bag. I'm a college dropout. I bet most of you have mixed feeling bout this. Honestly I don't really care. Eventhough I'm back to square one perhaps I should look elsewhere for opportunity. Anyway I'm still the same guy so movies is what I do to past all these FREE time that I have.
My buddies should know that I love violent movies. SAW films is the trigger point for me. Amputated legs, hands and lots of blood makes me amused. The more the better. Hands down to The Hills Have Eyes for making me addicted to it. Touchdown y'all!! But I never watched this franchise films of Final Destination. Never heard of it. But if it's violent, I gotta watch it, eventhough it's already the FINAL installment (jeez I wonder when the hell SAW films gonna ends).
Let's cut to the chase. This film is no good. The effects filled with CGI and let's face it, CGI is not cool. I bet the producers never watched SAW films or even Dawn of the Dead 2004. Old skool effects always work best for this kind of movies. But no, they prefer computers over make-up. No wonder I never heard of Final Destination franchise...it sucks!
But one point makes me think is that you can't really escape death. I find it funny when the characters try so hard to deny death. Death come in many ways so the characters died with tragic twist (grinned in escalator, hit by ambulance (how ironic) etc) and the final scene should be two characters died in an explosion while watching 3D movie. Have you ever imagined died in 3D? I say that's the coolest finale ever but no, it never happened. Damn.
p/s: Oh yea. Happy Besday to my buddy Tun Alifuddin. Ibumu merinduimu. Haha...
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