Monday, June 29, 2009

Gosh...he's so funny!

For most people starting Monday means hell to them, especially those who working right now (Afi, Fatma Shada, Qasieh etc.) but for me Monday would be the day that I'm looking forward every week. Why you ask? It's because Mr. Bala my English lecturer will give his "crazy talk" again. OMG, there he goes when he entered the class... For this week, a lot of things came up to his mind. Let's go through it y'all...let me get my notepad ya...

OK, let's see...

a) We learn about "high-brow". Know what that means? It means classy. Mr Bala give one example about one women he know that very high-brow. Whatever she do she always do it in style, even eating.

b) He loves badminton. He always wants us to pronounce correctly every English words. He gave very hilarious example on how Indian pronounced "in" and "out" during badminton. So does Kelantanese say it. This is what he said (approximately lah):

You know how Indian pronounced in and out during badminton match? Outte for out and inne for in (please pronounce the italic words with pure Indian accent to obtain the funny part). For Kelantanese lue and dale...Lape semile (lapan sembilan)....

Honestly, I look like an idiot laughing by myself now...jeez...move on...

c) He gave us one idiom with the accompanying sad story. The idiom was "She wrote him Dear John letter". That means broke up with him. He then told a story about Bonnie. He was one handsome man and a lecturer. He had a girlfriend named Mimi. They were very happy together. But one day she wrote him a Dear John letter (you see?). Bonnie ended up being an alcoholic and one day he drop dead on the railroad. Very sad....

d) Mr Bala favourite food is steam fish with ginger. He told us...with tauchu ye...

Well that's it for now folks. Consider yourself unlucky you never meet this incredible lecturer. He teach me English, yet provide me laughter every week. What a great Monday!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Gone too soon...

When I woke up this morning, it never thought I would be reading headlines "Michael Jackson died at 50". It was utterly shocking. I thought it was only a rumour that always happen in Hollywood. But when Yahoo! page displayed the story, it was devastating. I can't believe one of the most loved music icon left this world without any warning. I still can't believe he's gone.

I knew Michael Jackson since I were a child. His first video that caught my attention was "Ghosts", 40 minutes-plus epic that listed in Guinness World Records for the longest music video. I watched that video over and over and it introduced me to the one of the most influential music icon of all time. His lifestyle never caught my attention and so does his never-ending court problems. His elaborate music videos and infectious music that really put MJ deep inside my heart. No other male artists can change the world like he is. Sure there are more great male legends like Bob Marley and Elvis Presley but they never make us realize what really happening to this world. Try to listen to "Man In The Mirror" and "Earth Song".

I will forever remember today, Friday 26th of June 2009 (Malaysian date) the day Michael Jackson died. Now I think I know how the world felt when Elvis or Bob Marley died. Honestly I still can't believe this ridiculous truth. He will forever remain in my heart as the King Of Pop.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Who are you? Oh, Mr Satis...

I strongly believe that when two or more strangers meet each other they introduce themselves. That's what make the difference between strangers and friends, right? Not in my class, for the lecturers at least. Here's the lowdown...

I've been in class for almost two weeks now (almost because lecturers keep cancelling classes, duh) and most the lecturers I met introduce themselves to class and vice-versa. But there are exception for two lecturers, Mr Satis and Mr Bala. First, let's start with Mr Satis.

Mr Satis is a lecturer, and of course his duty is teaching. But I don't call his method is teaching. It's more like keeping it to himself rather than sharing it with class. You see, Mr Satis wasn't even introduce himself to class, yet we barely know when he started the class. All I know is that when he typing something and mumbling all alone means that the class has already kicked off. Better get on that train fast. I got on, but mostly lost on where the train is heading. To heaven? Doesn't look like it. I simply say my RM24,000 on this degree is definitely not 100% worth it. More like RM2.40 perhaps...

Mr Bala, hmm...I can say he is my favourite lecturer. I remember he started the class talking like crazy and believe it or not, he never introduce himself either. A few times he mentioned "Mr Bala" during his crazy talk and I say "Oh, his name is Bala". But he suprised me for being vulgar and in-your-face attitude.

He touched a couple of "sensitive" subjects like how non-Muslim prays and mentioning condom as a reference. Shocking, I know but above all, he's a breath of fresh air. Something new, something vulgar. I really want to see him more than once a week. He teach me being vulgar is allowed as long as you have a very concrete reason to be that way.

Way to go Mr Bala. As for Mr Satis, I don't know what to do. I might end up regretting paying him to teach me something I already know. Darn it!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Aku telah kembali...

Bila aku tau yang kelas hari Jumaat dah diubah ke hari Isnin, aku jadi hepi semacam. Yelah, kalu memang dah ubah maknanya kelas aku ada 4 hari seminggu, jadi aku cuti 3 hari seminggu. Huyoo, best gile camtu. Tup-tup memang betul kelas aku ada 4 hari ja. Aku pun ada macam-macam plan dalam kepala otak ni. Nak round satu KL la, nak balik Penang la (hehe, homesick tak abis lagi la beb), nak lepak umah Ame la (sebab ade TV) dan lain-lain. Tapi bila fikirkan balik, suma tu aku dah buat. Tetiba aku teringat kat UNISEL. Memandangkan kawan-kawan aku masih amik degree kat sana baik aku lepak sana ja untuk weekend ni. Ini satu idea yang bagus.

Malam Khamis aku terus bagitau Syafiq (roomate aku) yang aku akan lepak kat UNISEL dari hari Jumaat sampai Ahad. Dier angguk je. Aku terus pack barang-barang essential yang aku perlukan bila tidur umah orang. Pagi Jumaat bila sume dah blah pegi kelas aku terus amik bas ke Bestari Jaya.

Dalam perjalanan tu memang nostalgik. Aku memang rasa aku ni sebenarnya nak balik umah asal aku, bukan gi umah kengkawan. Yelah, 3+ tahun aku spend kat UNISEL tu. Rasa dah macam umah kedua pulak. Time semayang Jumaat kat masjid UNISEL memang buat aku termenung panjang. Dah lama aku tinggalkan UNISEL ye. Rasa macam semalam aku baru masuk. Emo macam biasa tuan-tuan.

Rumah sewa aku masih macam dulu. Walaupun aku duduk satu semester ja banyak kenangan yang umah tu pegang. Masa aku struggle wat final projek untuk diploma aku memang tempat ni la aku emo, marah, angin etc. Haha, bila terkenang balik memang best UNISEL ni.

Sekarang ni aku tengah lepak kat library UNISEL. Dah tak macam dulu dah tempat ni. Dulu air-con asyik breakdown ja, pastu kemudahan kureng giler. Sekarang ni memang cambest. Rasa macam aku ni masih seorang student UNISEL. Memang langsung tak sedar diri la. Esok aku nak pegi tempat faveret aku masa dok UNISEL ni, iaitu....One Utama!! Geng-geng aku mesti dah dapat teka. Haha...itu je aku tau pun.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Korang tau tak nilai duit?

Aku bila time boring memang tak reti nak dok diam. Pantang ada masa ngan duit mula nak merayap. Tengah ari tadi ada kelas yang batal. Yelah minggu pertama kan, mesti ada kelas pun macam takda. Kalu ikutkan memang aku nak balik sebab semalam haram aku langsung tak online. Tapi apakan daya, pukul 2pm ada pulak kelas. Ceh, memang tak suspek langsung depa ni arrange kelas. Jadi aku ada dalam 4 jam nak kill. Nanti bila aku dah jejak kaki kat umah jadik malas pulak nak keluar. Tak boleh jadi ni.

Aku dengan pantas amik keputusan nak lepak kat kedai buku Times kat Pavilion KL. Yelah nerd macam aku ni nak lepak mana lagi selain kedai buku. Tak kedai buku, aku lepak kedai CD jek. Haha. Anyway....

Aku pun jalan-jalan la area Pavilion Kl tuh. Pergh, aku tengok kiri kanan jadi takut. Bukan takut hantu, tapi takut tengok jenama -jenama yang ada butik kat Pavilion ni. Marc Jacobs, Versace, Prada, Gucci dan paling stylo butik dier Ralph Lauren. Cakap pasal Ralph Lauren, aku ada masuk Parkson lepas tu. Ada designer labels bahagian untuk budak-budak. Puh, budak-budak tak tau apa pun dah dapat pakai designer labels. Gamba kat atas ni salah satu contoh yang mengatakan bertuah badan kalu dapat parents kaya lagi raya. Cuba korang cek price tag kat baju tu. Jenama Ralph Lauren, untuk budak 5+. Baju polo bodo camni pun harga dekat RM350. Duit banyak tu bole wat belanja aku setengah bulan kat KL ni. Huhu, memang ada manusia tak tau nilai duit.

Aku kat sini bukan nak menghentam sesiapa yang kaya boleh belanja duit tanpa fikir. Tapi kebanyakan orang aku kenal tak kaya. Jadi kan best kalu aku kaya. Heheh. Aku dah dok KL ni pun pikir banyak kali nak beli apa-apa. Masa aku kat Pavilion ade gak singgah GSC sana. Aku teringat time aku keja dulu. Best ja tengok movie free. Sekarang ni kena bayar. Dah la Transformers II nak keluar. Cemana la keadaan GSC Queensbay Mall...

Ala nak emo plak...dah-dah...

Monday, June 8, 2009

Aku rasa pelik la...

Bila aku dah sampai kat KL dua hari lepas, aku rasa rindu sangat kat Penang. Bila dah biasa wat sesuatu dah tetiba kita stop, rasa pelik macam sesuatu daripada aku dah hilang. Rasa homesick tu sangat la kuat. Pergh, rasa macam nak lari balik Penang hari tu jugak. Teringat rupa-rupa yang aku kenal lagi sayang, family aku, family GSC, saudara-mara aku...uwaaa...

Tapi aku tau takkan sebab homesick ja aku nak lari balik. Macam tak masuk akal. Aku ni sebab dah terbiasa. Aku dah stay Penang lebih setahun lepas wat diploma. Jadi memang tak hairan kalu aku ni homesick tahap gaban bila dah kat KL ni.

Jadi apa aku wat untuk mengelakkan diri aku balik Penang tanpa sebab? Aku cari kengkawan aku kat KL ni. Tujuan diorang ni supaya aku lupa yang aku ni homesick. Nasib baik besfren aku si Amirul Hadi a.k.a ame_aok sudi meneman aku sepanjang dua hari lepas. Malam Sabtu aku ikut Ame balik Shah Alam tempat dia tinggal sekarang ni. Aku ingat Sentul ngan Shah Alam dekat, tapi rupanya jauh gak. Naik lenguh buntut aku ni naik moto 125Z ngan dia.

Masa aku lepak ngan dia perasaan ni masih macam tu, rindu tak abis-abis. So dia pun nasihat aku macam-macam, tapi hati aku keras, susah nak telan nasihat dia tu. Dan tido semalam umah dia, aku plan nak singgah Low Yat bila balik nanti. Sebelum kami bertolak Ame dapat call daripada Kecik a.k.a Jehan, satu sorang besfren kami.

Innalillah, nenek Jehan dah meninggal. Aku masa tu terkejut langsung tak boleh berkata-kata. Ame kemudian cadangkan kami lawat si Jehan tengok cemana keadaan dia. Kami pun bertolak gi umah nenek Jehan. Bila kami sampai, aku tengok mata Jehan merah ja, kesian aku tengok. Kami sembang-sembang jap, sebab si Ame kena antar aku balik Sentul masa tu jugak. Kami pun tinggalkan Jehan terus heading Low Yat.

Dah sampai Low Yat, aku wat keputusan nak pegi Times Square dulu. Bila dah masuk Borders, aku dapat rasa feeling happy yang aku ada masa aku amik diploma dulu datang balik. Malam sebelum tu Ame dah cakap kalu aku nak lupakan homesick tu aku kena remind diri aku apa yang best kat KL ni. Baru masa tu aku tau apa maksud Ame tu. Borders Times Square tu memang salah satu tempat faveret aku kat KL.

Dah puas meronda, memang aku lupa abis masalah aku. Syukur kepada Allah s.w.t. Aku dah malas nak fikir homesick yang langsung tak bagi aku apa-apa solution. Sekarang ni apa yang aku tau bila ada masalah aku akan try take it easy dan berkongsi ngan kawan-kawan. Sure jadi ringan masalah tu...

Saturday, June 6, 2009

It's finally here...

Well 6 hours ago I was having one of the most expensive dinner with my brother Zuhairi. It was filled with sadness but nobody can tell that. All I know was it should be memorable, since I'm going to KL for my degree. I still can't believe tonight would be my last day in Penang. I've spent a year here and still feels like yesterday I came back from KL after diploma.

I had to leave early because I was getting emo by the minute. The moment Karthik ask this question...

Izuan, hang OK tak?

I know I had to get out of there. I can't really hide my feelings. You read me like a book. But it wasn't that bad. Saying goodbye never my best asset. I tried to keep it casual when I said goodbye to most people in GSC. But the hardest would be Zuhairi, Yusri, Danial, Andri and of course Ms Grace. I gave Ms Grace a book as a farewell present. Honestly I will never repay her. If she never gave me this job, I would never know them. It would be a bummer to miss all these friendship in my life.

I finally convinced Zuhairi to either to continue his study in UNISEL or KLMU. I really hope he choose either one because time is running out and I want him to have a place to study since everybody's leaving for studies. He can't miss out. Never.

I feel like I've done my part before leaving. I know I can do more but I did my best. Six months spent in GSC is definitely time well spend. Right now I'm on my way to KL, which only miles away (not exactly) and new experience is waiting for me. I'll let you know how is it later. For now Taylor Swift finally got me with Love Story. I took me forever to download pop version of that song since I have very strict "no-country" policy. Guess I have to rethink about that lah...that policy still standing. No even for Taylor Swift...