Sunday, May 31, 2009

That's it...

Hari aku yang agak indah telah dirosakkan oleh Sam bodoh tu lagi. Semasa aku tengah bizi menaip panduan untuk steward Ms Grace berkata sesuatu kepada aku.

Izuan, mulai esok bawa complete uniform ye, just in case

Aku yang pada mulanya kehairanan pun tanya la.

Why Ms Grace?

Dia pun jawab selamba.

Mr Sam already asked about your attire. If you work more than 8 hours then you have to wear your uniform

Argh!! Aku pulak kena. Terus-terang memang aku angin. Aku ni dah berenti. Aku datang ni pun sebab kesian takda orang nak wat 5's tu. Sekarang ni dia nak aku pakai uniform pulak? Pehal ni, aku keja freelance. Lantak aku la nak pakai bikini ke, baju keja ofis ke. Makin tensen aku.

Sebelum aku dapat berita buruk tu ada lagi berita buruk aku terima. Pukul 9 lebih Ms Grace announce kat suma orang yang sesiapa yang keja lebih 6 jam kena amik break 1 jam. Sam bodoh tu dah bising sebab ada budak break lebih daripada sejam. Last-last dia amik kesempatan ini dengan mewajibkan suma orang break satu jam. Pergh, memang takda perikemanusiaan langsung Sam ni. Korang penah denga tak kalu korang wat taik ngan orang takkan orang tu nak wat baik ngan korang kan? Sam biol ni ingat nak wat camni GSC ni boleh maju la. Nak jimat cost sampai kacau periuk nasi staff.

Aku dah cakap ngan Ms Grace kalu celaka tu ada problem ngan aku meh cakap depan-depan ngan aku. Tak payah nak pakai messenger girl untuk bagitau aku. Aku masa tu terus shutdown netbook aku pastu punch then blah jumpa geng-geng aku. Diorang pun memang tak puas hati pasal breaktime tu. Tapi kesimpulan yang kami dapat ialah orang tua tu memang takkan berubah. Lagu The Fray yang baru tajuknya Never Say Never.

In this case, always say never. ALWAYS...

Adios GSC QBay. Selagi Sam ada takkan aku keja dah kat situ.

Saturday, May 30, 2009


I should have known this one coming. I don’t feel like doing it yet still preparing myself to get through it one more day. Am I insane? I beg to differ but my actions do a complete 180 degrees. One more day at the GSC is OK for me but since I’m going to KL, I dunno if I’m gonna miss it.

When I arrived, I asked myself what I should do today. Yesterday was a mess. Ms Grace wanted to buy me dinner but I refused to accept it but did not have the courage to say no. I just simply pretended to be sick. It looks easy and believable. But only God knows how I feel at that time. I simply have a very high ego. It never feels great when somebody buy me dinner, lunch etc. It makes me feel awful and I dunno, it is an uncomfortable feeling. This ego sometimes feel great when it gets what it wants, but another part of me feeling very guilty and shouldn’t turn down people offers. Ms Grace just wants to treat me dinner because of what I did to GSC. I don’t see I contributed so much but she knew I did a lot for GSC. I love giving, but never love to accept.

Yesterday Katrhik called me several times during their dinner asking how I feel. Argh, guilt filled my bloodstream instantly when I heard those words. Either way it didn’t make me feel great. I picked one and hell, wish I were never there. You see people, we all have egos. It will feel satisfied when you follow what it wants but what you really get? Pure satisfaction over what?
Nothing. Nada. Illek…the end

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Not again...

Huh...time aku sampai GSC ja aku dah ternampak muka yang aku langsung tak suka. Pergh, rasa nak lari balik ja. Adoilaa...awatla si Sam ni ada kat pintu masuk GSC tu. Memang spoil mood btui la. Dia pun bila nampak muka aku trus pandang arah lain. Punya tak suka ni (ikut interpretasi aku la...). Eleh, aku pun tak suka la ngan ang Sam. Pirahhh!!

Aku masuk kat dalam MOD ja aku dah dapat rasa ada masalah. Tup-tup memang btul. Notis untuk Alien vs Monsters yang aku wat dua hari lepas telah direject oleh granpa Sam. Hoho...memang aku dah agak kena rejek pun dua ari lepas. Bukanlah hasil keja aku jauh dari berkualiti (aku gerenti puas hati) tapi cam biasa la si Sam tu memang tak bole nak puas hati dengan apa pun. Dah tau, dah tau...

Aku stay kat GSC untuk 2 jam sahaja. Aku tak tahan tengok orang tua tu. Tak aman hidup aku. Sekarang ni aku tgh lepak kat Old Town Coffee...hirup kopi O kaw sambil type blog. THIS IS LIFE!!!

What do you see? No, not that. Try again...

Today at 2pm I was flipping through Astro channels just wondering what the hell am I gonna watch. While flipping, I saw my favourite TV show, Top Gear appeared on now showing list. I quickly press OK and there was one of the greatest TV show of all-time.

Top Gear has always been my fave because the quirky reviews (much like Stuff mag) and very commentive reviewers. Before this I never thought I will ever get what these reviewers or critics talk about. I just couldn't understand what they see when they critic or praise a car. I only see a car and hey, it's a car and that's it. There are no flare, passion or love in it. But that was then. Today I finally get what they're talking all these years.

You see, the world is more than meets the eye. There are more than what you literally see. But of course most of us are too naive to understand. We always say that we know ourselves very well but do we? I don't think so. It's too much confident that blinded us all from knowing ourselves and our surroundings' better. That's why I wanna get into art when doing my degree. I wanna see more than meet my eyes. So Top Gear, thanks for your wake up call. It's not just what we see, it's how we feel too. Take sometime to understand a situation, then you'll see what really happen. The truth are in front of you, dig deeper then you'll find it.

I found mine...what about you?

Thursday, May 21, 2009

When you say jump, I say how high?

Korang tau tak gamba apa kat atas ni? Haa, ni la gamba poster-poster kat dalam bilik stor kat GSC . Korang mungkin nampak tersusun rapi dan sedap mata memandang tapi sebenarnya poster-poster ni langsung tak tersusun. Lepas pakai just main campak je. Tak kira berapa banyak atau nak susun ikut movie. Jadi semalam aku dah tak tau nak buat apa since keja aku nak dekat abis (adela skit lagi...tinggal lain hari la wat) jadi aku volunteer nak susun poster-poster ni kat bilik stor. Nampak macam senang je tapi ya ampun susah nak mampos. Poster berlambak pastu nak susun satu-satu memang gerenti wat aku tensen untuk 2 jam berikutnya. Bila pikirkan balik kan bagus kalu sebelum ni ingat nak susun. Ni haram nak ingat, yang aku tau main letak la lepas pakai. Nak wat cemana, menda nak jadi kan...

Oh, kalu ikutkan bilik poster ni macam bilik harta karun. Korang just tutup mata pastu wish satu movie poster yang korang nak. Mesti ada punya. Aku yang tolong susun ni berpinar biji mata tengok poster yang cun lagi sempoi seperti Watchmen, Twilight ngan Angels & Demons. Puhh, mau aku angkut balik ja suma poster ni. Tak payah penat-penat susun, tak gitu? Tapi mana bleh wat camtu, kalu bole memang dah lama aku buat.

Kalu ikutkan aku dah wat macam-macam keja semalam. Susun poster, beli stationaries, wat keja hiasan, tukar poster, ish banyak btul la. Dah macam keja balik dah status aku ni, takda pun rilek macam orang dah resign. Keja dok jalan jugak, takda pun berenti. Hmm...apa pun aku wat duit tak kira la apa status pun. Janji poket ada duit. Ada duit baru makes the world go round. Kalu tak, gigit jari la beb.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I can't take this anymore...

Tadi seperti biasa aku menghabiskan masa aku kat GSC untuk 5's tu. Aku dah tau kalu orang tua Sam tu ada mesti kena bambu punya, tak kira la salah aku ke tak. Sepanjang aku wat keja kat situ keadaan aku amat tak tenteram. Rasa nak lari balik ja, tido. Tapi aku fikir aku tengah cari duit, bukan nak melepak tanpa sebab. Bila aku nampak muka dia keadaan aku memang jadi tak tentu arah, tak aman. Aku mesti pegi jauh dari orang tua tu. Masa tadi kami ada dalam bilik Manager On Duty aku terus keluar bila dia masuk. Tapi sebelum aku keluar dia ada pulak soal pasal rubber stamp yang aku buat sebelum ni. Adalah menda dia bising tapi aku jawab selamba aje. Tak payah takut-takut ngan dia ni. Saja la tu nak marah aku tanpa sebab munasabah. Apa kes??!

Petang tu aku, Karthik ngan Azura tengah dok bincang pasal decoration yang perlu dibuat untuk Customer Service Room. Tetiba grandpa ni masuk tanya pasal screwdriver yang dia letak kat stationary holder dalam bilik MOD. Dia then bising pasal 5's yang kalu wat kena tanya dia dulu sebelum ubah apa-apa. Gila betul la...kalu asyik tanya hang Sam bodo sampai bila pun tak abis. Cakap biar fikir dulu ye. Jangan main sembur ja. Aku tadi memang angin dan dah abis diskus aku terus angkat beg pastu balik ngan Zuhairi.

Tak tahan aku nak duduk lelama kat situ. Nanti yang tak salah pun kena bambu. Adios!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Spoiler...doesn't really help...

A few hours ago I watched one of the most anticipated film (for me at least) of the year, Dan Brown's Angels & Demons. Honestly I never finished the novel because I was too distracted with my work and my life. I don't have time for it. But right now I'm glad I never finished the novel. I'll tell you why...

I bought the novel several months ago and as predicted, it was good. The excitement and feel of adrenaline rush were there, plus Illuminati has always been a good plot for any movie or book. I think I got the whole story in my head but I failed to to that. It's only a few chapters to end the book, but it never happened.

When I know the release date of the movie getting nearer, I still didn't try to finish the book. I rather do the "voluntary" work like again the 5's thing etc. Now I know why...

This afternoon when I sat down in the cinema hall, I bet it will be awesome. I can't wait till the trailers to end and the movie starting. But 10 minutes into the movie, I wonder if I watched the wrong movie. It was different from the book. Not another Twilight...

Since the book is the source for the movie, it was predictable. But the movie too far been sugar-coated and Robert Langdon find it easy to find the next clue. It was disappointing. I guess I should watch the movie then read the novel. And why I'm glad I never finished the book? It's because when I watch the part where I haven't read, I got excited not knowing what's coming up. I always love spoilers, but this time I'm happy I dunno one single thing at the end. At least I got excited on some part of the movie. But one line from the movie that got me shaking my head like crazy.

"Religion is not perfect because humans are not perfect"

I beg to differ. For me my faith has always been perfect in every way. Only humans prefer to be imperfect. No question 'bout it baby.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Akhirnya semalam aku berjaya menghantar borang MARA aku yang dah lama terbengkalai kat Cosmopoint. Aku pegi sana awal-awal sebab aku masuk keja pagi kul 10. Kalu ikutkan memangla aku ni malas gila nak gi sana. Tapi ni demi masa depan aku. Takleh nak malas-malas sangat. Jadi...Sappy...Go!!!

Dah sampai sana si Neesha (minah India yang responsible untuk pendaftaran) bagitau aku satu berita buruk...

"MARA funds has been frozen until notified date"

Adoilaa...awat la time ni jugak depa nak bekukan tabung MARA tuh. Shit! Sekarang ni aku kalu nak terima berita buruk kena pepagi. Baru ja bukak mata dah denga menda-menda yang menyakitkan hati. Lepas tu si Neesha pas kat aku satu borang yang aku amat kenal...PTPTN!!!

Argh...PTPTipu! Bertemu kita lagik. Aku ingat cukupla time kita bertemu masa aku wat diploma dulu. Rupanya untung la hang makan duit bunga banyak-banyak. Aku ngan muka sedih amik borang tu dengan hati yang memang tak suka dan meluat abis.

Aku memang dah berangan bila wat degree nanti ta payah la nak pikir pasal hutang yang bertambah tanpa diminta. Tapi apakan daya, MARA tetiba nak freeze pulak. Apa aku boleh buat...boring...

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Power to the people!!

I've always hate politics. These guys just like to brag anything but true about themselves, promise you the world and after election's over, they're nowhere to be seen. Oh, it's so classic. It's really predictable what they gonna do next in order to gain power. Before election, they wasting money by campaigning and with "sudden" improvement or development such as building new school or repair our so terrible roads. After that, you only gonna see another "development" in the next election. How the hell we gonna be a "well developed nation" by 2020? More like 3020 maybe...

Why I'm bringing this topic? It's because what happen to Perak politics condition. I bet you guys read or heard about it and don't you think these politicians bared their stupidity and selfishness out loud? I can't believe that educated and probably or supposedly well behave people could act like that. Plus keep a prince waiting for 5 hours? That's just rude. In Penang we don't have kings or princes but aren't all of us need to respect our kings or princes? It's not rocket science per se, it's just plain common sense.

Now it's clear that people will do anything including being rude just to have power. How come we can't be together no matter what our political views are? Is this the world we gonna live for the rest of our lives? Now I'm worried. I'm 22 and I can vote but if this the reality of our leaders, I rather stay at home during election day. P. Diddy might have the Vote Or Die campaign in the US for Presidential Election but if the same campaign done here, I'm still not convinced. If I vote, I'll die, and if I didn't vote, I'm still gonna die. Hmm...

The song Imagine by the late John Lennon is for me the best song ever written and eventhough the song was written in the 70's it's well fitted with today political condition. I don't agree with some parts of the song (we still need our religion) but the song forces us to unite. Just forget about our differences, we still human for heaven's sake. Why do we have to use our differences to separate ourselves from others? Nobody's perfect.

You are not better that others. We are all created equal. But power really destroying the mankind. It's one sad truth we have to swallow.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Haih...masalah ja start dari hang...

Semalam dalam pukul 6.30 pm aku ngan Karthik (Crew Leader), Zulkarnain (Supervisor) dengan Azura (Crew Leader gak) pi meeting ngan orang tua/uncle/atuk Sam (ni la Boss besa GSC tempat aku keja) untuk diskus pasal progress projek 5'S yang aku macam gila dok try perabih. Kami memang dah tau kalu jumpa dia ni masalah dari selesai terus takda jalan keluar.

Macam-macam aku dok explain kat orang tua tu. Susah beb. Macam cakap ngan Bangla tak paham bahasa Melayu ngan English. Aku cakap camni, dia cakap lagu tu. Bila orang bagi cadangan, kalu ang tak mau at least bagi la jalan lain. Ni takat "Oh I don't agree. Bla bla bla...pastu suruh kami cari jalan lain yang jeng jeng...TAK PAYAH KELUAR DUIT...

Bodoh gila orang tua ni. Nak improve tempat keja tapi kedekut nak mampus. Dah la aku wat keja 5'S ni tak dibayar (btui aku tak tipu) pastu nak mintak budget beli menda-menda lain tak boleh. Aku bersyukur tak dapat bapak macam dia ni. Kalu la aku dapat bapak macam dia ni memang dah lama aku mati kebulur.

Aku ni bukanlah closed-minded, tapi boleh ke nak wat improvement tanpa sacrifice atau investment? Orang kalu nak berjaya pun kena gak laburkan masa ngan duit untuk berjaya. Ni takda apa nak invest, tapi nak berjaya. Pelik...ari tu senang ja approve...

Heloo Sam, check whether YOUR EAR AND MOTHERF***ING STUPID HEAD ARE ON??! Better turn it on before it's too late...

Saturday, May 2, 2009

I used to like rain...

This is my second blog entry for today. Actually I wanted to just post one entry per day but since I've got nothing to do and my fingers are itching to type something, perhaps I should give an entry a go. For the record I HAVE some task to finish up (my MARA form, remember?) but I'm too lazy to do it. My gosh, Saturday really ruined my life...for now.

I want to go to GSC to finish up my project but I couldn't. Why? Because it's raining. Hell, I never feel this mad when raining. I like rain, if I'm indoors of course. But that feeling isn't here now. Just boring , alone and yes, it's Saturday night. I should have a night out with the boys. I planned to do so but rain, you come uninvited. Heavily uninvited.

The question is, will I ever go out tonight? I want to, but you have to stay tuned to find out.
Argh, it doesn't look so good. Place your bet on your way out. Thanks

Night life...full with smoke...

Keluar malam bukanlah satu menda yang aku suka buat. Dah penat keja nak keluar melepak pulak memang agak susah tapi kalu tak lepak macam takda life pulak. Semalam geng GSC terdiri daripada (awat formal semacam ja ni?) bebudak Consessions (jual benda makan) ngan Stewards (tukang koyak tiket/bukak pintu hall) ajak lepak. Aku pun tak mau lepas terus join. Ni gambaq kat sebelah ni sebelum kami gi lepak. (Sila klik gambar untuk lebih jelas). Macam-macam posing dok ada. Seperti hangpa boleh tengok ada nama sekali. Minat kontek aku...heheh...

Dah punch-out kul 2 pagi lebih (dable pay bebeh ari nih!!) kami trus gi lepak. Ni antara kronologi malam/pagi tuh:

2.15 am: Usaha memujuk Yusri untuk join kami tak berjaya walaupun dikutuk "tak bercampoq ngan orang" oleh Fadzil. Aku sebelum balik ada gak try tapi Yusri tetap tak mau...

2.30 am: Kami satu konvoi semasa lalu USM ternampak 2 orang gadis termangu-mangu start moto. Fadzil sanggup patah balik nak tolong tetiba depa dah start moto pastu trus blah. Sangap encik Fadzil kita tuan-tuan. Ada sorang brader berenti depan kami (nak tolong jugak la kot) tapi last-last dia blah bagi kami makan asap. Cis!! Tau la moto kami takda asap. Kalu tak...

3.00 pagi: Sampai kat Kassim Mustafa. Dah lapaq gila nih (lapaq ja, tak gila) kami ramai-ramai serbu kaunter mintak nasik. Aku yang baru dapat gaji (heheh) melantak nasik minyak ngan ayam tandoori. Campur teh O RM7 sahaja. Sahaja! Abis duit aku... Dah abis makan tetiba Subhan (takda dalam gambar) mengadu nak memerut. Dia pun balik untuk tunaikan kewajipan. Tinggal kami seperti dalam gambar...

3.35 am: Dah full kami berangkat tinggalkan Kassim Mustafa untuk lepak kat Gurney Drive (lepak tepi laut ja). Masa kami lalu satu area clubbing (tak ingat nama jalan tu) lagi tetiba moto Afiq ngan Zuhairi dihimpit rapat oleh satu kapel naik Kancil. Aku shock la sat. Keta tu then blah macam tu ja. Menurut Fadzil keta tu marah sebab Afiq makan jalan depa. Aku pun tak berapa perasan. Move on shall we?

3.40 am: Kami sampai kat Gurney. Dah nak landing tetiba ujan pulak. Kami kena la retreat kat McD bawah Sunrise Tower. Sambil tunggu ujan berenti sempat la isap udara tercemar ngan posing untuk tatapan. Sila rujuk gambar lagi sekali. Dah puas kami masuk McD main kad terup (aku tak reti, mula nengok je). Gelak sakan sampai aku naik letih dengan depa nih.

5.00 am: Dah puas gelak sama-sama kami pun berangkat pulang. Sebelum balik tu sempat la round-round area town. Aku dah nak terkucil nih. Kena tahan sampai balik umah. Seksa.

5.30am: Sampai dah umah. Well cambest jugak lepak ramai-ramai. Tapi letih jangan kira la. Kena tahan bladder lagi satu. Another round of lepak? I'm on it!!